Tuesday, July 26, 2016

7 Signs You’re Hiring the Wrong Pest Control Company

carpenter antsPest control services are not typically an item that people take a particularly long time to research.

Property owners find ants on the counter, get bit up by mosquitoes, or find mouse droppings and take the first reasonable price with a decent gut feeling and go.

They want the problem taken care of fast and assume that there are minor differences in choosing a pest control company (or exterminators in older terminology).

Unfortunately, there are a substantial differences between pest control companies in Lancaster, PA and the surrounding counties we service. We get frequent calls from people searching for another service after a bad experience with one of our competitors.

It’s also common for us to learn details about other pest management companies during the proposal process or even watching a technician perform a service down the street from a property we are already servicing.

Hiring a Pest Control Company in Lancaster, Lebanon, York, and Harrisburg, PA

question markDon’t get us wrong, there are some great pest control companies in Lancaster, Lebanon, York, and Harrisburg, PA. Our pest control team has a lot of respect for a few of them, but unfortunately there are some that have a less than good impression left on the community.

Whether you choose us or another pest control service, we would like you to take a few minutes and do some research. Probing online and asking a few questions can help you to make a better decision.

7 Signs You’re Hiring the Wrong Pest Control Company

Tomlinson Bomberger Google Reviews1)  Bad or Absent Online Reviews:  Go online and search “(pest control company name) reviews”. You’ll most likely find a Google+ profile, HomeAdvisor profile or other local directories that allow customers to leave reviews.

Take a minute and read them. No one is perfect. There are bound to be some bad reviews no matter how good the company is, but any pest control company that you choose should have a predominately high rating along with lots of positive comments.

Look at how the company responds to bad reviews as well. It can tell a lot about their attitude towards customer service. If you can’t find many reviews, you could be hiring the wrong pest control company.

2)  Poor or Outsourced Customer Service:  If you call and get no answer, or no prompt return call, that’s not good. When you do talk to someone, ask them where the representative where their office is. Deal with a local company, not a big national chain that has a call center hundreds of miles away.

Wouldn’t it be great if the person on the phone actually knows the technician and can speak to him face to face when he comes back each day? A good pest control company’s team should be just as focused on developing a personal trust with you as they are with getting rid of pests.

142_Quality Pro Logo3)  Little or No Association Accountability or Continuing Education:  In Pennsylvania, there are some minimal requirements for pest control companies. The companies need to be licensed by the state with a BU number that has to be prominently displayed on their vehicle.

The company needs to have at least one of their team licensed by the PA Dept. of Agriculture to apply pesticides on your property. That requires them passing a written exam. All other staff needs to be minimally registered which requires no exam.

It’s important to not only have state licensed technicians, but also to make sure that your pest control company is dedicated to learning the best methods to control pests and are also bound by a code of ethics by the National Pest Management Association.

From that point, they can also further train their staff to get additional certifications such as to be QualityPro Certified or become an Associate Certified Entomologist. That shows the company is all about giving you great service!

4)  Poorly Equipped Vehicles and Staff:  If someone shows up in a car to do your treatment, you should be suspicious. The materials stored in vehicles should not be in passenger compartments.

There are times that a hand-sprayer or backpack sprayer is appropriate, but a pest control vehicle should have a truck-mounted, pressurized sprayer that can reach the tall peaks along your roof and be able to thoroughly soak the ground around your foundation.

The way the technician presents themselves should be in a professional manner both in appearance and with their communication.

Pest Control Shield5)  Vague information about pest control services:  The information about what pests are covered, how treatments are performed, what guarantees are offered, and how work is scheduled should be prominently displayed on the pest control company’s website and literature.

They should be ready and willing to provide you with this information and not be surprised when you ask.

6)  Indifference about educating their clients and the public:  It’s not only in the best interest of the pest control company to teach, but it also will make you a more informed consumer and property owner.

If you can’t find helpful pest guides, blog articles, or videos on the company’s website, it could be a bad sign.

The more you know about the pests your home or business is plagued with, the more successful you and your pest control company will be. It’s not just about spraying some materials around your house. It’s about you working together to creating a worry-free environment.

voted number 1 pest control company7)  They have inexperienced staff and lots of turnover:  This is a bold question, but ask it. Ask who your technician will be. Ask if they will be your technician each time they service your property.

Ask how long they have been with the company or even in the pest control industry. Ask the same questions about that technician’s supervisor and other team members.

A company shouldn’t be evasive or annoyed when you ask these questions. It’s not to say that someone relatively new in the industry can’t do a good job, but they should be at least mentored by someone that is attempting to help them become a pest control expert.

A good pest control company will care about their team and want them to enjoy working there and to develop in their expertise. The staff should have a common goal, becoming the best pest control company in their area.

What About Services from Tomlinson Bomberger Lawn Care, Landscape & Pest Control?

Want to know how we measure up with these 7 areas? Feel free to contact us and ask as many questions as you like! We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find how we’ve been consistently voted #1 Pest Control Company in our area.

Let’s Talk About Your Pest Control Needs!


from Tomlinson Bomberger http://ift.tt/2artofN

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