Monday, November 28, 2016

Baseball Christmas Wishlist

Since tomorrow is Cyber Monday, and I didn’t make a Black Friday purchase of any type; here is my early wishlist if my wife stumbles upon this, baseball related only haul-type stuff.

Feel free if you have a baseball fan in your home to use this as a baseline.

(Disclaimer: I am also WAY too old to really want anything for Christmas. I only believe in giving for Christmas, not wanting. I just thought this would be a fun thing to do. Christmas is for KIDS!).


Ron Shandler’s Baseball Forecaster 2017, available on Amazon.


MLB The Show ’17 MVP Edition (Pre-order)


Vin Scully’s goodbye letter to fans (eBay type item)


When It Was a Game on Blu-ray


61* the Movie on DVD



from Diamond Hoggers

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