Thursday, December 14, 2017

Meet the RE Tech Founders: Andrew Nicholls and Michael Valentine from EYESPY360

In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with the founders of EyeSpy360, Andrew Nicholls and Michael Valentine. I met Michael while attending the mipim summit, and was impressed with their virtual tour technology.

Without further ado…

What do you do?

I am the CEO of EYESPY360. My Co-Founder, Michael and I began creating the EYESPY360 platform back in May 2016. At its core, it is a self-service 360° virtual tour platform allowing end-users to create their own 360 content leveraging any 360° camera on the market. Our aim is ensure that this type of technology is accessible, affordable and simple. We are really proud of the fact that in less than two short years we have become the world’s number one self-service virtual tour platform.

What problem does your product/service solve?

The visual element of property search, such as searching properties, viewing properties, sharing properties and marketing properties is antiquated.

We are building products to digitise current workflows to allow a seamless transition from one paradigm to another. This is not about disruption and putting people out of work, this is about innovation and making people more efficient whilst increasing profit.

There is a new generation of customers entering the market, with an expectation of being able to do anything from a mobile or tablet, and we are enabling our customers to deliver on this.

What are you most excited about right now?

EyeSpyLIVE™, without a shadow of a doubt. EyeSpyLIVE™ allows clients and their customers to join each other in a live virtual tour. They can see and hear each other, and all of their movements are mirrored on both devices. Imagine FaceTime or Skype embedded into a 360° virtual tour. It is a super cool product and in my mind, a game changer.

The main aim of EyeSpyLIVE™ is to increase efficiency and cut down on wasted time, wasted journeys and wasted money for all parties, by pre-qualifying properties from the comfort of their home or office, or in fact anywhere in the world.

An additional new product only released last week is EyeSpyPLAY™. With this, our users can create pre-recorded and narrated tours for their clients, so if you want to sell in your sleep, jump on board!

View our Promotional Video for EyeSpyLIVE™ here:

What’s next for you?

In 6-12 months we will be releasing our Automatic Floor Plan Generator. This is going to be an absolute game changer, as with any 360° camera, our software will be able to map out all of the measurements for our clients’ properties as well as gauging information about objects in the room, using artificial intelligence and computer vision. This really is cutting edge stuff.

What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?

Andrew: Cancer Research, because my mum is currently suffering from Leukaemia. I’m trying to raise awareness for the Anthony Nolan Trust, as they match donors to people with blood cancer and blood disorders who are in critical need of lifesaving transplants. However, none of this can be done without the incredible individuals willing to donate their blood stem cells or bone marrow, and unfortunately the Anthony Nolan Trust desperately need more donors, so please sign up!

Michael: Awareness and research into Rett syndrome. My father is a long serving trustee of Rett UK, which is a charity that provides professional support to people living with this rare neurological condition. Rett syndrome affects brain development, resulting in severe mental and physical disability and requiring 24/7 care.

Thanks to Andrew and Michael for sharing their story. If you’d like to connect, find Andrew on LinkedIn here & Michael here.

Meet The RE Tech EntrepreneurWe’re constantly looking for great real estate tech entrepreneurs to feature. If that’s you, please read this post — then drop me a line (drew @ geekestatelabs dot com).

The post Meet the RE Tech Founders: Andrew Nicholls and Michael Valentine from EYESPY360 appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

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