Saturday, May 26, 2018

Your Saturday Baseball Post

It’s the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. I have my kids all day long to myself with my wife attending a bar crawl to benefit breast cancer, which both of our moms have suffered from.

But not to be worried, we have you covered here with the best post of the week. It’s the Saturday baseball post. Summer is officially here. It’s hard to believe we are into another hot weather stretch of a baseball season. We have enjoyed so many of these in life and all the small traditions they bring.

The smell of fresh cut grass, sunburns, grills, barbecues. Memorial Day is the official kick off of all that. Your kids will either be out of school or are already. It’s time to dig in and enjoy the meat of the baseball season. For a baseball fan: this is what we live for.

Your 1980’s song of the week that should be played on a ballpark loudspeaker nearest you is by The Cars, our all-time favorite rock group.

So go and enjoy your Saturday. We will hold it down and provide some updates where we can. Thank you for your continued support of Diamond Hoggers.

from Diamond Hoggers

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