Friday, June 29, 2018

What You Need to Know about Roof Inspections

Roofing materials are pricey, which is why it’s best that you take care of your roof, so you can maximize its worth. One way to ensure that its quality will last is to have the roof inspected. Find out more information about this as you read on:

Photo by Sarah White on Unsplash

Why Do It?
Regular roof inspections can help identify issues prior to them becoming potentially major problems. It may be easier to fix these smaller issues now, which may save you time and money in the long run.

How Often?
Typically, your roof should be inspected at least once a year, according to Zillow. However, you should check your roof after any extreme weather event, like hail, snow or wind, and look for any interior leaks, says Zillow. Because all roofs are different, it’s important to consult a professional to know what to inspect and how often. Source: Blog.AllState

Where to inspect?
Here’s what to look for:

Cracked caulk or rust spots on flashing.
 Shingles that are buckling, curling, or blistering.
Missing or broken shingles.
Cracked and worn rubber boots around vent pipes.
Missing or damaged chimney cap. (OK, that’s technically not part of your roof, but since you’re looking anyway.)
Masses of moss and lichen, which could signal the roof is decaying underneath. Black algae stains are just cosmetic.

If you find piles of colored grit from asphalt roof tiles in the gutters, that’s a bad sign — those sand-like granules cover the surface of roof shingles and shield them from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. Check the age of your roofing and see if it’s nearing the end of its life cycle. Source: HouseLogic

Should you hire a contractor to inspect your roof?
There are a couple of reasons to consider hiring an expert roofing contractor. For one thing, climbing a ladder and getting on a roof can be dangerous. For another, there could be subtle signs of problems that only an expert would notice.

However, it pays to beware of roofing scams. You want to be sure to hire an established, reputable and reliable roofing inspector. Before agreeing to any suggested roofing work, be sure to do your hiring homework. Source: AngiesList

We’ve been in the roofing business for more than 55 years. Not only that, we also cover any problem that may involve home repair, drainage, and more. Call us for a free estimate!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8279 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4W1
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD

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