Thursday, September 13, 2018

Is the CRM History?

Congrats to Chris Smith and the Curaytor team for launching “Convert”. A lead conversion manager.

Here’s the backstory on Convert:

I’ve written about CRMs in 2011, 2014 and again in 2016. It’s a tough, tough….TOUGH space to crack. It seems everyone has an CRM. But it’s no one’s core business/product. Which is a big factor as to why most CRM’s are either too bloated/complex or barebones to be useful.

Do we need to re think the CRM in the modern world? Absolutely. But I’m not ready to call the core of most (high performing) real estate agents/teams/brokers business history.

The post Is the CRM History? appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

from GeekEstate Blog

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