Wednesday, November 14, 2018

3 Home Repairs You Should Never Do Yourself

DIY projects can save you money, that’s true! But, it’s not always the best. There are certain projects that are better left to the experts and here are some of them:

Photo by Tneil Abt on Unsplash

Chimney Cleaning
Cleaning the chimney in your home is another task that you should leave to someone who knows what they are doing. Some of the dangers of cleaning your chimney yourself include harmful fumes and the potential for a fire. Source: HomeHacks

Roof Repairs
R­epairing a roof isn’t recommended for a do-it-yourselfer for one reason — it’s easy to fall off of. Repairing a roof shingle or two isn’t the toughest job in the world, but it’s getting up and down and carrying your tools with you that pose the risk of injury or death. It’s also very tiring work, and when you’re tired, you’re more prone to make a mistake. Just a quick slip is all it takes to send you over the edge of a second-story roof.

If you live in a one-story ranch and your slope is less than 20 degrees, you can probably get away with gutter work and minor shingle repair. Your roof may even be low enough to do it from the ladder. But these minor fixes still can be dangerous, and you should never attempt any of them when you’re home alone. At the very least, you should have a spotter in place to hold the ladder and be there in case of an accident. Aside from the danger involved, roofing work also requires experience to get it right. If you bite off more than you can chew, you may end up with a leaky roof and expensive water damage. Source: Home.HowStuffWorks

Low Water Pressure
Does it take forever to fill up your big spaghetti pot? Low water pressure is frustrating and sometimes easily fixed. According to James, removing the aerator and cleaning out the gunk may do the trick but if it doesn’t, that’s probably a sign this may be a DIY improvement to leave to the pros. “From time to time, low water pressure and the causes behind it could be indications of greater problems within a plumbing system. It could be a fractured pipe, an eroded water line or a water leak in the system,” says James. Source: RD

It’s great to have DIY skills that can help you handle home projects all on your own, but for roofing and drains projects, give us a call and we’ll handle the task for you!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8279 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4W1
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD

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