Wednesday, January 2, 2019

3 New Year’s Resolutions for Every Homeowner

Happy New Year! How were your holidays? Make 2019 explosive by creating resolutions that will be your guideline for the entire year. Here are some examples to follow:

Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash

Check the gutters
A 1,000-sq.-ft. roof will shed about 620 gallons of water during a 1-in. rainfall, or about 103 gallons per downspout if you have six downspouts. That’s a lot of water dumped right next to your basement. Although it may seem obvious, clean and properly functioning gutters with downspouts that empty away from the foundation are key to avoiding major and expensive home repairs. Source: FamilyHandyman

Tackle the one thing you hate the most
Do you hate the blinds in your bedroom? Are you sick and tired of the rug in the living room? Have you been itching to paint your kitchen cabinets? Make this the year you finally do it! Create a special account where you can slowly save up for the items you need to make it happen, and when you reach your goal, dive in and tackle that project. It will finally be off your list. Source: ApartmentTherapy

Manage your stuff
One of the best and least expensive ways to feel better about your home is to clear it of clutter.

Each year most of us acquire a mountain of stuff. Without some regular purging, cabinets and drawers get jam-packed and it becomes hard to find the things you use and enjoy the most. (All that clutter also makes your house look dated and dirty, designers say.)

This year resolve to go room-by-room periodically clearing anything that you don’t use, wear or love and donate it to charity. After that, think twice about what you bring in, says Antoinette Nue, an Atlanta consultant who specializes in helping people simplify and go green.

“Fill your home with the things that raise your energy level and make you feel good, and get rid of the things that drain your energy or are broken,” she says. Source: HGTV

Just remember to check off your list before 2020 arrives, okay? Don’t start something you won’t finish. We can help you out – call us today!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8279 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4W1
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD

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