Friday, July 1, 2016

Nothing says ‘Merica like the Indians winning their 14th straight in Canada on Canada Day in 19 innings

Well that was completely unbelievable.

I got home shortly after 3:00 and started watching this game that began around 1:00 while I was still at the office. I decided to watch the Indians for the second straight day since they’re in the midst of the longest winning streak since the 2002 Oakland Athletics.

I was rewarded with an all-time instant classic type game. The Indians win this one 2-1 in 19 innings on a Carlos Santana home run off Darwin friggin’ Barney who took the baton from Ryan Goins.

Both teams squandered opportunities, but you knew the Indians weren’t losing this game. Not with the magic they have going right now. Everything is working. Josh Tomlin is striking out eight. They’re waiting out the opposition until they’re throwing utility infielders. Trevor Bauer had a look of focus in him in the relief appearance I can’t begin to explain. The Tribe is just seriously locked in.

And good on them. This win streak which definitely climaxed today has been a nice little follow up afterparty for the Cavs lifting the curse. My wife pointed out – she watched four hours of this game with me because it was that good – that it was the Red Sox who won a title after the Celtics lifted a curse. And I think she was right.

I kind of want to see the Indians run this out another week plus to see them get that record. I didn’t hone in on the Athletics much in 2002 when they won 20 in a row other than when they steamrolled through Cincinnati that late June, and I didn’t care because I thought the A’s were trash at that point. I’m older and wiser now, and I can appreciate that the Indians are playing really good ball. Historic baseball.

from Diamond Hoggers

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