Thursday, July 7, 2016

Swindaman3 gets his long awaited Gents victory

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I apologize for the delay in this post. With the Fourth of July holiday thrown in there, and seeing Guns N’ Roses in concert live last night, I just didn’t have my usual spare time. Plus, our winner this week automatically meant I had to wait as long as possible to get this post up. Since tomorrow is a new Gentleman’s Friday; a new lease on life, my back is to the wall and the show must ride onward with your weekly update.

While the cat was away, the mice played. With our fearless leader DStars45 out in California on holiday, Swindaman3 saw a golden opportunity to once again be a star performer. If you’ll remember, the Poopmaster himself and DStars45 took things down to the wire in last year’s inaugural Gentleman’s game cup series.

Swindy made the most of his toilet time, selecting Victor Martinez (Gents Game MVP for the week) for 36 points and also Carlos Gomez for 16 more. It was an ugly, low scoring battle for all gents involved, with only Swindaman putting up over 100 points. Three gents failed to get to 90.

Here’s a look at the yearly standings, with JSquad jumping ahead of Diamondhoggers once again and our own t3bird pulling a little closer to DStars45. Swindaman remains in last place but gets closer to the middle of the pack with the five point silver star award.

Yearly Standings:
DStars45 – 51 points
t3bird04 – 47 points
Jsquad34 – 39 points
Diamondhoggers – 37 points
Swindaman3 – 34 points

We are skipping the weekly shitty players of the year/week. It will be a double whipping post next week because of this. I have a bone to pick with fantasy baseball in general, so be ready for a double shot of negativity in this section next week. I may just rant about the things in fantasy that have gone wrong this year if it inclines me to feel better at the moment. I haven’t decided yet, but it will be a segment you will not want to miss.

Next week also brings about the first “Gentleman’s Game Live Final”. This will be an elegant event. Four gentleman will be gathered for fellowship, and competition. Actually I haven’t told them yet but when they walk through the front door of my home, the door will be padlocked from the outside with a remote code. Only I will know the remote code. On that night, the first night after the All-Star Break, the competitors you know and love from the Gentleman’s game will be competing for their lives. The only code to escape, will be locked in who uses the correct combination of Didi Gregorius’s or Ryan Rua’s. It will go something like this.

Of course, I kid. I love those damn Saw movies. But there should be some fun stories. We are calling Tommy LaSorda if the Dodgers win. There will be a glorious contest and some stories to be told. We will donate some of our paychecks to Draftkings. Recap of everything to come.

As always, here’s a copy of the winning recipe from Swindaman3 last Friday:

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Stay tuned for the next chapter in the saga of the Gentleman’s Game Cup Series, 2016. Which is sponsored by Columbus Online Auctions and AT&T.

from Diamond Hoggers

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