Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Not a World Series Preview Post: The 2016 World Series


2016 World Series: Chicago Cubs vs. Cleveland Indians

The World Series begins in my home state tonight, about two hours and 15 minutes from my doorstep. It’s always been a bucket-list item for me to be at a World Series game. Due to the insanity of ticket prices, I’ll be covering these games like the rest of America; from my couch.

You could seriously get into a Super Bowl for cheaper. Like, much cheaper. And then of course I have friends who got a ticket for $100. I have friends who have tickets to games 1, 2, 6 and 7. I have friends who could get tickets to Progressive Field, but they’re holding out because they only want to go to Wrigley. I have friends who have passed up tickets. All of these people can kiss my ass to be honest. You are not deserving!

Down to the series itself. The Cubbies open as a -185 to -200ish favorite with the Indians checking in around +160 depending on where you ask. This seems about right. I want to remind all reading this that the Indians went into the NLDS against Boston with the Red Sox -185 favorites and they were swept. The Blue Jays were -140 favorites against the Tribe; and they were made short work of in just five games.

If this truly isn’t the hardest bad guy who sits at the end of the video game, if this isn’t Super-Shredder; if this isn’t the greatest enemy who shall ever be faced by the 2016 Cleveland Indians and they don’t go down right here, I truly know jack shit about the sport.

The Indians are going to need some serious smoke and mirrors and chokes and fears by their opponent for the third straight series to win this. The Chicago rotation is more solidified than not only that of the Indians, but then that of Boston. Not that I think it really matters, but the Chicago lineup gets a shot in the arm with the return of Kyle Schwarber tonight as the Designated Hitter.

Cleveland is rolling out Corey Kluber, stink-handed Trevor Bauer, some Merritt kid, some Salazar, they talk up Josh Tomlin in game three like that’s a truly dependable option at Wrigley Field; I mean this is ridiculous. It really is. That’s just not a World Series rotation, as great of a story as Curse vs. Cursed is here in late October.

The Cubs meanwhile have four guys you know well. Jon Lester, Jake Arrieta, Kyle Hendricks, and John Lackey. It’s not close. If both these teams play their game, it’s not close. And the Indians will be lucky to fight this back to Cleveland for a second trip so my one buddy can attend games six and seven after he got to go to one and two. What a lucky prick!

I don’t need to break it down with stats and analysis. The Indians hit like .140 or something putrid in the ALCS and still won in five games. anything can happen here, but I don’t see it. I’m betting the farm on the Chicago Cubs. I’ll be back with reactions on each game, after it happens. Or whenever I get around to it.

And any expert who is really picking the Indians here is just doing it to be cute, and you know it.

World Series Prediction: Chicago Cubs over Cleveland Indians in Five Games. 

from Diamond Hoggers http://ift.tt/2eDDARw

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