Sunday, January 15, 2017

How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

In this tutorial we will be showing you how to draw a samurai in Illustrator using shapes. This tutorial is great one for learning techniques to be able to create your very own characters and illustrations within illustrator.

The tutorial is aimed at users with a intermediate level of knowledge of illustrator and familiar with  the common tools available within Illustrator. This a great tutorial with an awesome end result a tutorial I hope you’ll enjoy following along with.

Final Image Preview

final7 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Step 1: Helmet

With Pen tool (P) draw a half of the helmet and fill with black color. To obtain a symmetrical character, we will draw only half of the shape and then duplicate it.

1 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Duplicate this shape. Make sure that the shape are selected and go to Edit > Copy (Ctrl + C) and Edit > Paste in Front (Ctrl + F).

Now reflect this shape. Go to Object > Transform > Reflect… Choose Vertical Axis and press Ok.

Move the reflected copy to the right to obtain the result:

2 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

For the highlight duplicate the second half of shape and fill with gradient white to transparent.

3 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Now with pen tool draw the roots of the helmet.

4 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Duplicate this shape. Go to Edit > Copy (Ctrl + C) and Edit > Paste in Front (Ctrl + F).

Now reflect this shape. Go to Object > Transform > Reflect… Choose Vertical Axis, press Ok and fill with dark gray (#2e2e2f).

5 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Now with pen tool draw details and fill with gradient (#494949 to 2b2b2c), you should obtain this:

6 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Duplicate this shape. Go to Edit > Copy (Ctrl + C) and Edit > Paste in Front (Ctrl + F).

Now reflect this shape. Go to Object > Transform > Reflect… Choose Vertical Axis and put it on the edge of second half of helmet.

7 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Now make the highlight, use pen tool and fill it with radial gradient (#999999 to cacaca).

8 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

For the better effect draw another path with pen tool and fill with white color and apply “Gaussian Blur Filter” (Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur…) with radius set to 1.5px.

9 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

10 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Step 2: Face

Create a new layer and name it “Face”.

With pen tool and black color, draw a half of face.

11 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Duplicate this shape. Make sure that the shape is selected and go to Edit > Copy (Ctrl + C) and Edit > Paste in Front (Ctrl + F).

Now reflect this shape. Go to Object > Transform > Reflect… Choose Vertical Axis and press Ok.

Put in the right of the shape and fill with gray color (#3E3E3E).

12 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Now with pen tool draw details of the face, and fill with gradient (#333333 to #000000).

13 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Duplicate this shape. Make sure that the shape are selected and go to Edit > Copy (Ctrl + C) and Edit > Paste in Front (Ctrl + F).

Now reflect this shape. Go to Object > Transform > Reflect… Choose Vertical Axis and press Ok. Apply radial gradient (#d2d2d2 to #737373).

14 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Now with pen tool draw eyes.

15 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Duplicate this shape. Make sure that the shape is selected and go to Edit > Copy (Ctrl + C) and Edit > Paste in Front (Ctrl + F).

Now reflect this shape. Go to Object > Transform > Reflect… Choose Vertical Axis and press Ok. Put in the right of the shape.

16 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Now with pen tool draw eyebrows.

17 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

With Ellipse tool (L) draw the iris and pupil, black circle for Iris and a smaller white one, for pupil.

19 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Now draw the inner shadow, with pen tool draw a shape and fill with radial gradient (#e3e3e3 to cccccc).

20 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

For the shadow select the white shape of the eye. Duplicate it and paste in back (Edit > Copy / Edit Paste in Back). Fill this shape with gray color (#808080) and increase it about 2-3px in height.

21 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Duplicate all the components of the eye and go to Edit > Copy (Ctrl + C) and Edit > Paste in Front (Ctrl + F).

Now reflect this shapes. Go to Object > Transform > Reflect… Choose Vertical Axis and press Ok. Put in the right.

22 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Step 3: Body

Create new layer and name it “Body” and drag it under the “Face” and “Helmet” layers.

With pen tool draw the half of body and fill with radial gradient (#000000 to #4c4c4c)

23 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Now with pen tool draw the armor and fill with radial gradient (#ff8b0c to #ff5c0c)

24 thumb How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Now make the collar, make the copy of the armor (Edit > Copy / Edit > Paste). After that make a path that will be intersect the armor and you will obtain a collar.

25 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Select the copy of the armor and the path that we created and in PATHFINDER press Intersect and fill with #ff5c0c.

26 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Select all the components of the armor and body and make a copy and reflect them.

27 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

For the second half of armor use the lighter gradient (I used #ff9d11 to #fff4b5) for the armor and (#ffcc6a to #ff711e) for the collar.

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Step 4: Weapons

With pen tool draw a giant pen in his hand.

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Now draw the metallic arrow. With pen tool draw a path as you see in the image and fill with gradient light gray to white.

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Now draw a circle inside of this path.

31 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Select the both shapes and in PATHFINDER choose Minus Front to cut this circle from the first shape.

32 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

With Pen Tool draw a triangle as you see in the image.

33 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Select the both shapes (Press Ctrl) and in PATHFINDER choose Minus Front.

34 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

Select all the components of the weapon, and make a similar copy and put in the right hand.

Go to Edit > Copy (Ctrl + C) and Edit > Paste in Front (Ctrl + F). Object > Transform > Reflect… Choose Vertical Axis and press Ok.

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The samurai is ready to fight!

Final result:

final7 How to create an angry little samurai using Illustrator

from Creative Nerds

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