Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How to recolor an object in Photoshop

In this short screencast video, we will be looking at a very useful tutorial, which can be applied to any photography where we will be showing you how you can recolour any object or even people by utilising the brush tool and blend modes within Photoshop. The tutorials takes less than a few minutes certainly worth recommending  watching and trying out for yourself.

We have a huge library now of screencasts we have published over the years please subscribe to our YouTube channel, so you can be kept up to date when we publish a video on our YouTube channel.

Tutorial Details

  • Program: Photoshop
  • Time estimation: Under 3mins
  • Difficulty: Beginner


red car How to recolor an object in Photoshop
green car How to recolor an object in Photoshop

from Creative Nerds

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