Friday, June 30, 2017

The End of Bartolo?

Bartolo Colon is facing what some are calling the end.

We still don’t believe it, but if this is indeed the end; we’ve enjoyed the guy. His career spanned across a lot of our lifetime; from high schooler to adult with a couple kids. And baseball is neat in bridging gaps in that way. Just read the tweet with the graphic above and think about it a little bit.

His lifetime stats are fun to gander at, too.

There was a time when he was not only our favorite pitcher in the game; but our favorite player. We didn’t miss a Colon start from 1999 to 2002 when he was in Cleveland. We got to see him near his best twice live. One night he was touching triple digits on the gun in the 8th or 9th. He was a special arm talent that somehow almost outlasted father time.

from Diamond Hoggers

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