Friday, August 11, 2017

A Few Companies Worth Looking at from Inman Connect

As mentioned, I’ve spent the last week in San Francisco at Hacker Connect & Inman Connect.

It’s been a whirlwind of a week, and haven’t really been on a computer all week (which I’ve enjoyed). Before the weekend, I wanted to highlight a few of the companies I found compelling:

  • CompCurve – competitive intelligence on agents and brokers sales productivity to compare yourself to the competition (and recruit agents who are doing well).
  • First – Efficiently find listing leads from your existing relationships. They help you speak to those contemplating listing their home weeks or months ahead of the public by stack ranking your contacts’ likelihood to move based on a wide variety of signals. The particularly appealing aspect to me is their focus on the one to one touch points, which I believe are needed to win listings/business.
  • Quo – I like the product concept of coordinating the client-agent relationship via an app, though I do have serious concerns about how they’re going to get distribution. It seems they’ll have to compete with RealScout eventually using listing alerts, which will be no simple task.
  • Modern Stamp – simple & gorgeous digital invitations for open houses (50 free stamps for Geek Estate readers)
  • KardZee – They deliver personalized, hand written cards in the mail (using a clone of your handwriting). This is a product I can see every single agents in the country using. The question is the same though — how do they acquire customers cost effectively?
  • Box Brownie – Virtual staging at amazing per-image rates. I must be honest and say I think they should go through a re-brand.
  • Zavvie – They help you become the hyper local expert. This of course is a topic I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about and working on (see here, here, and here). (disclosure they are a new sponsor).
  • Mapbox – A competitor to Google Maps for enterprise. They are working on some very cool visualization tools brokers and franchises (and agent web vendors) should be looking at.

For those who attended — what companies/products did you find compelling?

The post A Few Companies Worth Looking at from Inman Connect appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

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1 comment:

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