Sunday, January 7, 2018

Meet the RE Tech Founder: YC Chung from Lubn

In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with the CEO of Lubn, YC Chung.

Without further ado…

What do you do?

I am the founder and CEO of Lubn Inc. I’ve hand-selected and established the Lubn team to create the world’s first intelligent 4G smart key box to help property managers and realtors manage property access, and monitor check-in/out activities from anywhere at anytime.

What problem does your product/service solve?

It all started with a personal problem of mine. I was juggling three demanding roles; father to my amazing kids and wife, dedicated Microsoft team member, and rental manager to multiple properties across the world. It was increasingly difficult to manage the latter two commitments without sacrificing quality time with my family, and gradually I realized that I needed a solution-not just for myself-but the many working professionals with similar obligations and priorities.  From the outset, I knew we needed to craft a solution that was simple, smart, and enabled me to focus on what was most important in my life..  With “living life to the fullest” as our guiding principle, co-founders Autumn Li, Charles Chang and I created Lubn, the world’s most intelligent key box. Lubn will enable me-and many others-to remotely manage and monitor property access. With Lubn’s IoT (Internet of Things) system and fully integrated app with scheduler, users can securely manage property access from anywhere, at any time. Importantly, visitors can easily check-in or check-out without installing an additional application on their phone. My team and I created Lubn to give me more time with my family, and it is our vision that anyone who manages property, from realtors to vacation rental owners can reclaim lost time with our frictionless, efficient key transfer system. Finally, Lubn enables users to analyze trending data (e.g. occupancy rate, seasonality, contractor efficiency, etc.) to optimize the productivity of their operation.

What are you most excited about right now?

Where to start! We were just selected by Taiwan Tech Star as one of just 32 startups (from over 100 entries), to showcase our intelligent property management solution at CES 2018 (the world’s largest consumer electronics show). I’m also excited about a strategic partnership we just secured with a tier-one global manufacturer (a principle supplier of SpaceX satellite components) to bring our prototype to production before the end of this year.

What’s next for you?

We will be delivering our Lubn solution to customers in early 2018, and will proactively seek feedback on how Lubn can make their lives better. I am also looking forward to integrating more property related services into the Lubn platform, so that our customers can automate certain tasks.

What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?

I’m deeply influenced by my parents who have devoted more than 30 years to children’s education, and I think there’s nothing more important than education. Thus, I volunteer on the weekends and during my spare time as an IT manager in Seattle Chinese School, a non-profit volunteer organization. Since joining the school, my wife and I have built the school’s website to advocate for Chinese education. We have also helped to create an internal system to
facilitate the school’s operations. We will continue to augment the schools technology initiatives to help kids have fun while they learn Chinese on weekends.

Thanks to YC for sharing his story. If you’d like to connect, find him on LinkedIn here.

Meet The RE Tech EntrepreneurWe’re constantly looking for great real estate tech entrepreneurs to feature. If that’s you, please read this post — then drop me a line (drew @ geekestatelabs dot com).

The post Meet the RE Tech Founder: YC Chung from Lubn appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

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