Sunday, October 14, 2018

Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Matt Parker from ZingFix

In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Matt Parker from ZingFix.

Without further ado…

What do you do?

I’m the Co-Founder of ZingFix… not the one with the ideas but the one who loves to make them happen. We sell time, basically, so I create systems that leverage real estate-insider acumen to give our customers what I call life space: empty space in their existence to do radical stuff with, instead of project managing their homes.  Then, I hunt for people like myself – people with extensive real estate selling, buying, and renovating experience – who can intuitively execute the systems.

ZingFix is the modern solution to getting renovation work done on your home.  No calling ten sub contractors to have one call you back. No leaving work to meet painters at your house, only to have them not show up.  No hiring a job, to get a joke. You get the idea. Myself and are associates have distilled the muck of renovation into semi-purity. Ping us, we ping you, the job(s) get done.  Currently, renovation still has multiple human aspects which means personalities to manage. So my biggest challenge is finding service-oriented people, again like myself, who would serve for free if it really came down to it.

What problem does your product/service solve?

We see a gap in financial markets where the banks are only capable of offering consumer credit offerings (home equity loans, HELOCs etc.). These products do not address the key pain-point for many homeowners: cash-flow sensitivity. Many Americans after paying their mortgage, credit card payments, student loans, and monthly bills just don’t have much left at the end of every month.

As a result, for these homeowners, accessing home equity via a credit offering is not a real option.With Patch Homes, we enable homeowners to access the equity without the additional debt-burden or stress of a monthly payment. Through our offering, we’re creating financial alignment that is a true partnership between homeowners and Patch, that positively impacts a homeowners financial profile and that has the potential to unlock more than a trillion dollars of wealth for consumer spending.

What are you most excited about right now?

First, living in a house that is eating you. You work hard, you play by the rules (most of the time), and would like to be smiling in your home. But, you work and commute fifty hours a week and don’t understand why you can’t get a painter to call you back. We are industry insiders and acumen and bring the best work to you while you go wine tasting.

Second, selling your home at a discount. Sellers routinely leave ten, twenty, fifty thousand dollars on the table because coordinating landscaping, a simple bathroom update, and deep-cleaning makes them spew fire out of their ears. Hire us; spend $1 to get $3 back. Smart, satisfying, financially rewarding.

What’s next for you?

Saving grandpas and grandmas. I have seen so many people work hard, save hard, lose their spouse (God forbid) and then the capacity to maximize their home sales because they can’t improve their place. My Co-Founder and I, Mick Purdy, were throwing dead bugs into the wall at an empty house one day when decided we would put an end to that.

What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?

Simplicity (Yes, I consider that a cause – I have a book, Real Estate Smart.); I consider it the golden key to many of my small problems and the world’s big problems. We just built the smallest “conforming” new house in recent history (or something). 1,255 square feet, windows that only see blue sky and green leaves, products/surfaces you can clean with water and a rag, and enough daylight to give a worm eyes. “But you don’t have a fourth bedroom!!!” Sorry, we were hiking while you were vacuuming an empty room.

Everyone is spread so thin. I believe in eye contact, fresh air, and a lively mind. That is what ZingFix is about. Letting us “help me, help you!” We know how to take your household headaches away so you can go have some simple laughs with fun friends.

Meet The RE Tech EntrepreneurThanks to Matt for sharing his story. If you’d like to connect, find him on LinkedIn here.

We’re constantly looking for great real estate tech entrepreneurs to feature. If that’s you, please read this post — then drop me a line (drew @ geekestatelabs dot com).

The post Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Matt Parker from ZingFix appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

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