Thursday, February 28, 2019

D B Tiller’s Baseball Card Slab Mountain

How about this savage?

I am getting back into collecting a little bit, in parts because of guys like this one. Meet ‘D B Tiller’ owner of ‘Baseball Card Slab Mountain’.

He takes us through his collection and shows us a life of luxury. Enjoy. I’ll be posting pics of some of my buys in the weeks to come.

from Diamond Hoggers

Fun Facts about Toilets

Content originally published and Shared from

Can you imagine life without toilet paper? Just thinking about it makes you feel nervous, right? Some people find talking about toilets quite disgusting, but there are actually many interesting facts about them. Here are some:

Photo by Renee Verberne on Unsplash

What did people use before toilet paper was invented?
Well, what you used for your personal bathroom needs before the invention of toilet paper depended to some degree on your social status and your geographical location.

If you were wealthy, then you might use wool, or a soft – and washable – rag. The Ancient Romans used sponges on sticks and then soaked in water.

If you were not so well off, then the most common thing to do was simply to grab a fistful of grass, leaves or straw to do what needed to be done.

In some parts of the world, going to the toilet always meant just going to the nearest river or stream and letting the current carry the waste away. Any wiping was done just by hand. That is why in India and some parts of the Middle East it is considered offensive to eat or pass food at table with your left hand – because that’s the one that you would use in the river.

In many European countries today, the use of toilet paper is considered dirty and unhygienic. In these countries the most common practice is a thorough, soapy wash and rinse afterwards using a ‘bidet.’ This is a sort of low basin with hot water tap and soap that you sit on and is usually placed next to the toilet for convenience. Source: Owlcation

Are toilets really dirty?
Contrary to popular belief, the toilet seat is the cleanest part in the bathroom since most people take great care to ensure its clean before sitting on it, according to University of Arizona microbiologist Charles Gerba. The bathroom door handle is also a less germ-infested part, since bacteria cannot thrive on cold, dry surfaces for long. Source: MSN

How do most people put the toilet paper on the holder?
Over $100,000 US dollars was spent on a study to determine whether most people put their toilet paper on the holder with the flap in front or behind. The conclusion: three out of four people have the flap in the front. Source: PlayBuzz

Are you surprised about some of the facts above? If you enjoyed this, then you should check out other articles here on our blog. We also offer the latest toilets available on the market – browse our website for options!


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post Fun Facts about Toilets appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Uberizing Real Estate with Zillow Offers

[Note from editor: We publish a Weekly Transmission for Geek Estate Mastermind members that consists of long form articles covering the spectrum from shipping container co-living spaces to the battle for listing acquisition in the first iBuyer world war. Below is a preview of this month’s sample Transmission, which is delivered in full via email.]


Originally Published: February 28th, 2019

My jaw dropped when I heard Rich Barton was taking the helm of Zillow again. After all, Spencer Rascoff is an unbelievable executive and the company is the category king, with 157 million monthly users.

Zillow roots run deep for me. Back in 2005, Rich Barton was the single biggest reason I pursued a job at Zillow without any knowledge of the business or the product. As a young whippersnapper looking to soak up anything and everything about tech, business, and management, his intelligence, confidence, and presence deeply inspired me.

The company faced few setbacks, aside from the layoffs in 2008. The consumer was our north star. Rich dreamed big, Spencer kept the pieces moving, and we followed. The transition from Rich to Spencer in 2010 was the right move. At the time, Zillow needed an operator to scale.

Now, it needs a bolt of lightning.

With Zillow Offers floundering and a clear path forward uncertain, Rich offers the company its best chance to innovate its way to growth. There’s nothing quite like a founder’s passion and credibility to right a swaying ship.

Accessing the full article: To receive the Monthly Transmission & Radar going forward, please ensure “Receive Monthly Radar/Transmission” is set to YES in your email settings. The full versions are NOT posted on the blog.

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There are four parts to membership:

  • Long form articles covering the spectrum from shipping container co-living spaces to the battle for listing acquisition in the first iBuyer world war (Weekly Transmission). A sample Transmission is here.
  • Curated real estate, startups, & built world links & analysis blended with out of the box ideas (Weekly Radar). A sample of the links and analysis is here.
  • Special reports (our first is a category review of Small Landlord Prop Mgmt Software).
  • Networking opportunities with 145+ innovators from across the globe through the private forum & in-person gatherings.

Membership is $97 / quarter


  • We deliver an exclusive, objective lens into the trends, companies, people, and ideas shaping real estate technology with thought-provoking analysis and conversations that keep you inspired every week.
  • We help you make better, more well-informed decisions to help grow and support people and companies making a difference in real estate.
  • We enable discovery and meeting others with shared interests online and in person (whether they live near you or are traveling to the same conference).

We’re looking for the best and brightest founders, operators, innovators, & investors in the industry…


Apply for Membership

Reminder: To receive the Monthly Transmission & Radar going forward, please ensure “Receive Monthly Radar/Transmission” is set to YES in your email settings. The full versions are NOT posted on the blog.

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The post Uberizing Real Estate with Zillow Offers appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

from GeekEstate Blog

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Shower vs. Bathtub

Content originally published and Shared from

Contemplating whether you should put a bathtub or a shower in your bathroom? Here are some factors to consider:

Photo by Karla Alexander on Unsplash

Who will use the bathroom?
Think of either the people in your household or your potential buyers. Young, busy couples tend to prefer walk-in showers over tubs. The same is true for many elderly and disabled individuals because walk-ins are easy to get into and out of; however, these homeowners tend to prefer a place to sit and railings for safety and ease. Although, it would be difficult for parents of babies and toddlers to manage bath time in a shower.

If you are looking to age-in-place, a shower is a good investment. If you are planning to start a family, make sure you have at least one tub.

Baths in a master suite are usually only used by adults. If you plan to keep or install a master bathtub, consider deep, stand-alone models. These provide a luxurious option for those who like to soak in comfort. There are models for every aesthetic, easily incorporated into modern, rustic and antique designs. You can even look for varieties with jets or internal heaters that help keep the water warm. Source: TheSpruce

Which is more environmentally friendly?
Showers beat baths from an environment standpoint so long as you aren’t taking a very long shower, Grist reported earlier this year.

The best way to conserve water is to use a water-saving shower head, which uses no more than two gallons of water per minute. A 10-minute shower will put you at only 20 gallons on average to get clean through this method.

The average bath uses 36 gallons to fill a tub, while the average shower (without the water-saving device) uses five gallons of water per minute, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

You can make it snappy and rinse off between five and seven minutes with a regular shower head, or go a bit longer with a water-reducing nozzle instead. Source: HuffPost

Does the bathroom have enough space?
Space is at a premium in the average bathroom, which often measures just 5 by 8. While a standard tub measures 30 inches wide, it can be as long as 72 inches, according to This Old House, while stand-alone showers range from 36 by 36 inches to 36 by 48. This smaller footprint allows a shower to fit much more readily in a small bathroom than a tub, freeing up space for other features. Eliminating the tub in favor of the shower also allows homeowners to incorporate a larger, spa-like shower rather than the standard enclosure, while still utilizing less space than the average bathtub. Source: HomeGuides.SFGate

If at this point you’re still undecided on which to get, we can help you pick what works best for your bathroom. Call us today!


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post Shower vs. Bathtub appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Dreams and obsessions

Your theory about every person could reach everything in life is really optimistic. But if the person tried once and was despaired and disappointed what is he going to do? (Antoine Rigal, Lyon, France) There is sometimes a bit of confusion in regards to a passage in my book The Alchemist: “When you want something, […]

from Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

3 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

Content originally published and Shared from

Don’t let hypertension defeat you. Manage this condition by consistently following these important tips:

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Regular exercise
Exercise is one of the best things you can do to lower high blood pressure.

Regular exercise helps make your heart stronger and more efficient at pumping blood, which lowers the pressure in your arteries.

In fact, 150 minutes of moderate exercise, such as walking, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, such as running, per week can help lower blood pressure and improve your heart health.

What’s more, doing even more exercise reduces your blood pressure even further, according to the National Walkers’ Health Study.

Bottom Line: Walking just 30 minutes a day can help lower your blood pressure. More exercise helps reduce it even further. Source: MedicalNewsToday

Reduce salt intake
We need sodium to live, but too much salt leads the body to hold on to more fluids and that causes volume changes inside blood vessels. Over time, blood pressure rises.

“The problem is, salt is everywhere,” Haythe noted.

“It’s not just the salt that you add with the shaker,” Blankstein added. “Most of the sodium we get in our diet is found in various processed foods — things like canned soups, chips, cold cuts, pickles and even bread.”

He recommended consuming less than 2 grams (2,000 mg) of salt — or less than one teaspoon — a day for people who are trying to lower their blood pressure. That can be very effective, he said. Source: Today

Relax in a sauna
Studying more than 1,600 middle-aged men in Finland, researchers found that those who took sauna baths four to seven times a week cut their risk of high blood pressure by nearly half, compared to once-a-week sauna bathers.

“Sauna bathing may decrease systemic blood pressure through different biological mechanisms,” said study researcher Jari Laukkanen, a professor at the University of Eastern Finland, and colleagues.

In the sauna, your body temperature rises, widening the blood vessels. Over time, this appears to improve the function of the inside layer of blood vessels, the researchers explained. Sauna baths also remove fluid from the body through sweating, and relax the body and mind, the researchers added. Source: WebMD

You have many options to choose from when it comes to lowering your blood pressure. But out of all your options, nothing beats the ease of relaxing in a sauna. If you don’t have a sauna yet, today is the best time to get one. Give us a call!


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post 3 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Creating a Home(work) Station That Gets Top Marks

CompCurve uses raw MLS data to provide market insight

[Note from the editor: The “Master Showcase” highlights companies and news from member of the Geek Estate Mastermind. Today’s showcase: CompCurve]

CompCurve delivers business intelligence driven by MLS data for agents, teams and brokerages to provide unparalleled market insights. Customizable reports for specific markets allow for analyzing and comparing the book of any agent to competitors instantly. They make it easy to accomplish a broad array of tasks, including looking into transactions, creating compliant market claims, listing presentations and reverse prospecting lists.

Whether you plan to recruit, prospect or coach, CompCurve gives you insight that past generations could only dream of, enabling you to work smarter rather than harder.

What we like: Their wide range of dashboard features offer detailed breakdowns of every aspect of market date, ranking from agent and office rankings to the ability to export data to tools like Excel and compare office vs. market trends.

Learn More

The post CompCurve uses raw MLS data to provide market insight appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

from GeekEstate Blog

Monday, February 25, 2019

4 Areas to Check Before Buying a Fixer Upper

Thinking about investing your money on a fixer upper home, because you like DIY projects? Or maybe you don’t have enough budget for your dream house yet, so you’ll choose a more affordable option that you can fix to your liking? Either way, if you’re set on getting this type of real estate, make sure you check the following areas to avoid spending more money than you intended:

Photo by Ruslan Valeev on Unsplash

Potential structural problems with your fixer include foundation defects and roofing issues. Repair of these defects means major financial expenses. Unless you have unlimited funds, or the home has great historic value, pass on fixing homes with major structural issues. Hire a structural engineer and roofer to make a formal inspection of your potential fixer before signing the sales contract. The inspection fees are nominal compared with the major repair costs you might be hit with. Source: Budgeting.TheNest

Electrical wiring
Updating antiquated electrical wiring is a major expense. Tip-offs that the house you’re looking at has substandard wiring include single, fabric-covered wires on white insulator knobs (look in the attic); an old fuse panel instead of a modern breaker panel; or a small breaker panel with only a few breakers. Source: BobVila

The layout should flow. If the home is chopped up with a bad layout, realize that it can be expensive or impractical to move walls. Bedrooms at opposite ends of the home will turn off buyers with young children, as will a two-story with the master bedroom upstairs and all the other bedrooms downstairs. Kitchens with more than one entrance are desirable. Avoid places whose dining rooms serve as the central focal point of the home. Source: TheBalance

Yes, you’re buying the bricks and mortar that make up the home, but you’re also buying into the area and the neighbours. Take a peek into the neighbour’s yard, and consult with the city’s planning department to learn about up and coming changes in zoning, parks, schools and anything else in the area. Because the last thing that you want to do is invest all of that money in a place that isn’t worth it. Source: TheLoop

Leaving your fixer upper in the hands of well-experienced professionals will help you save more money in the long run. Contact us anytime if you need help!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8279 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4W1
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD

3 Tips on Planning Your Bathroom Remodel

Main Street Arts 2

Main Street Arts 2 by PortLiving is a new 6-storey condo development located at Main & East 4th, Vancouver. This project will offer 49 market condominiums, with the unit mix comprised of 26 studio units,4 one-bedroom units, 13 two-bedroom units, and 6 three-bedroom units. A plaza at the southwest corner of the site provides social space for all those using the building. In addition to the vibrant colour accents on the exterior, a series of murals will animate the laneway.

The post Main Street Arts 2 appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.

from Projects – Vancouver New Condos

989 Victoria

989 Victoria by Cox Developments brings big city living to Victoria with its bold design presenting two soaring 15 and 17-storey glass towers rising from an exciting angular six-storey podium. This project will offer 206,1-, 2-bedroom, and penthouse condominiums, sizes range from 509 to 1,098 sq ft. At 989, the vibrant heart of Victoria-style culture is just steps away. The best of food, unique and varied shopping experiences, film, theatre, dance, and all the ambiance you look for in a place you want to be.

The post 989 Victoria appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.

from Projects – Vancouver New Condos

Die Hard Fantasy Baseball 2018 Title Ring

Congrats to Trey, the owner of Smitty’s Slugger’s in winning the 2018 Die Hard Fantasy League Championship last year. Here’s how the standings went down.

Smitty’s Slugger’s held off Detroit Stars from a possible Four-peat.

2011 – COSFBA (No longer league member), 135.5 points

2012 – Diamond Hoggers (That’s us!), 134 points

2013 – Off Base Percentage, 127 points

2014 – No Dead Teams!, 135 points

2015 – Detroit Stars, 159 points

2016 – Detroit Stars, 155 points

2017 – Detrout Stars, 152.5 points

2018 – Smitty’s Sluggers, 140 points

I finished in a tie for fourth, and I shall now pay the consequences of my actions. I don’t think I pick until the 8th round or something insane. I will be paying for the sins of chasing dreams that never where.

from Diamond Hoggers

Sunday, February 24, 2019

4 Ways to Make a Room More Romantic

Valentine’s is only a few days away. If you haven’t thought about a surprise for your spouse yet, then a simple date night at home would be sweet. Here are some tips that can help you turn your home into a cozy and dreamy retreat.

Photo by Tomáš Vydržal on Unsplash

Add a sense of luxury
Drape your bedroom in fabric that evokes lavishness and snug comfort. Both satin and silk bedding options are pretty popular in this regard. While they might be a touch expensive, you will soon realize that it is well worth the dough. If you are not looking for such high-end sheets and pillow covers, then take the classic approach with white cotton. This is a bedroom look that simply never fails. The greater the thread count and more pure the cotton fabric, the more it will pamper your senses. Once again, try to find that elusive balance between how much you can spend and the affluence you crave. Source: Decoist

Light some candles
Candles can evoke feelings of intimacy. They also let the stress run away and make your eyes focused on the pulchritude of your love and the candle light. Also, they give a romantic look to the room. Besides, they should be grouped together in many corners of the room for the best effect. Source: Freshome

Use more red
Red is the color of passion, among other things so take this opportunity to change the vibe in the bedroom by introducing a few red accents. Maybe you can get some new pillow covers for this occasion or decorate with red flowers. Source: Homedit

Snuggle beside the fire
A lit fire, either wood burning or gas, adds a cozy, romantic quality that can’t be beat. If you have one, use it, and if you’re renovating consider installing one. If neither one is an option, you can always look into electric fireplaces. While it’s not quite the same, the quality of these stand alone units keeps getting better and they can still add a romantic element. And since all you have to do is plug them into an outlet they can go pretty much anywhere. Source: TheSpruce

Do you have a fireplace at home? Is it working properly? If not, call us and we will help you in no time.


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8279 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4W1
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD

Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Eric Tseng from PadScouts

In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Eric Tseng from PadScouts.

Without further ado…

What do you do?

I am the Cofounder and CEO of PadScouts. We empower the industry’s top technology stack to maximize their sphere of influence and prioritize conversations.

What problem does your product/service solve?

When real estate professionals buy ads from Facebook or Google, they’re able to target specific audiences (i.e. interested in real estate, baby plans, specific demographics, etc.). But, they have no access to the marketing data profiles of individual people that the marketing companies possess. Now, with just a phone number or an email address of a contact, real estate professionals can know how marketing companies see their personal and professional contacts in PadScouts’ SOPHIE mobile app. We provide easy access to this data in their hands.

Video demo of their Sophie product:

What are you most excited about right now?

Letting real estate professionals learn about consumer data and how it can be implemented into their businesses. That’s why we’re providing our product free to anyone who wants to understand data. I learned quickly that a lot of real estate professionals don’t understand and, therefore, can’t picture how data can be used in their businesses. Now, there’s no excuse for not using it because our Starter tier is free forever. By giving our product away, I think it’s the best way we can learn together and create a truly meaningful product. There’s a big opportunity that exists for real estate professionals right now. With all the buzz around iBuyers and large technology companies threatening to take over the real estate industry, I’m long on the the agents’ advantage over their tech competitors. Real estate transactions are complex and can come with a lot of risk. Defusing that risk and stress by going through a trusted professional is still the simplest solution for consumers. If real estate professionals utilize the right tools to get in front of their sphere of influence before an iBuyer’s ad gets to them, they have the edge over the large tech entrants.

What’s next for you?

Continue to improve the product and to add more data that’s relevant to real estate professionals. Our goal is to receive enough feedback from professionals to create a truly valuable tool and to eventually use the data to create buyer/seller predictions.  At PadScouts we wanted to provide a product that provides a lot of value first (easy access to data used by the top marketers in the world) and then start to work on our predictive models so that it will be even more useful for professionals in the future.

What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?

I am passionate about serving my country. Prior to getting into the technology scene, I served six years in the U.S. Army and I continue to serve in the Army Reserves. I immigrated to the U.S. when I was very young and have always felt a debt a gratitude to it. It only felt right that I should serve, as a way to appreciate the opportunities that have been made available to me.

Meet The RE Tech EntrepreneurThanks to Eric for sharing his story. If you’d like to connect, find him on LinkedIn here.

We’re constantly looking for great real estate tech entrepreneurs to feature. If that’s you, please read this post — then drop me a line (drew @ geekestatelabs dot com).

The post Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Eric Tseng from PadScouts appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

from GeekEstate Blog

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Tips on Cleaning Bathroom Grout

“To God: How did you get invented?”

I found in Keithpp’s Blog this very interesting entry: A non-believer who sends his six-year-old daughter Lulu to a Scottish church primary school. Her teachers asked her to write the following letter: “To God, How did you get invented?” The Rentons were taken aback: “We had no idea that a state primary affiliated with a […]

from Paulo Coelho

Your Saturday Baseball Post

It’s Saturday. I have the flu – and I have to take my 4 year old to a daddy-daughter dance. I’ll be the walking wounded and find my way.

We are just 33 days away from Opening Day 2019. I will be headed to spring training in a couple days so I better heal up. There are baseball games taking place today in Spring Training. Eternal hope is on the horizon.

Today’s song of the week that should be played on a ballpark loudspeaker nearest you is The Chilites, Oh Girl. Can anyone take me back to a time when this song was still playing on the radio every day? When music was music? Everyone’s wanted to play this for a woman. It’s also in the Sopranos.

Every day should be Saturday. Even if you have the flu and can’t move. Be blessed friends.

from Diamond Hoggers

Friday, February 22, 2019

Drain Clogs: Prevention and Solutions

One problem that you never worry about, until it hits you in the face at the most crucial moment, is a drain clog. Read below to find out how you can prevent these from happening, and what are the immediate actions you can take if it happens to you.

Image Source: Flickr

Preventing Clogs
There are several causes for sewer main drain clogs. Some are not preventable, such as tree roots and collapsing pipes. Other things can be monitored to help prevent frequent clogs. One important preventive measure is to be careful about what goes down the drain. Solid objects that are flushed down the toilet can become lodged and help cause a sewer stoppage. Also, excessive food and oils washed down the kitchen drain can contribute to sewer main drain clogs. Source: TheSpruce

Drain Snakes
The smaller ones make for a valiant first effort where the clog is located near a drain inside the home, but to clean the main sewer line, a larger, self-powered snake is needed. These are costly, but dedicated DIY enthusiast can rent them at tool rental centers.

However, successful operation is largely a matter of practice and it’s not uncommon to spend hours locating the clog amid the labyrinth of piping, much less to dislodge it. Using a self-propelled plumbing snakes can be a tiring, stinky, messy, and sometimes, dangerous job. Source: HomeImprovement.LoveToKnow

Chemical Cleaning
Sewer line cleaning can either be very easy or very complicated. Using chemicals presents an easy solution to an otherwise difficult problem. There are several kinds of chemicals that you can use. One of the favorite kinds is a product that works by using expanding foam. You dump the chemical down the line and it begins to foam and expand. This is meant to not only push debris down the line through pressure but to dissolve certain materials. Other chemicals are pure liquid with no expansion properties. These chemicals are designed to eat away at biological waste to hopefully clear away the sewer line. Source: DoItYourself

If your drain problem is too difficult and tiring, leave it to the hands of the experts. We have special tools and tons of experience. Call us to schedule an appointment!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8279 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4W1
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD

Which are the teams to watch in Major League Baseball in 2019?

It’s far too early to make accurate predictions about which teams are going to go to the league finals in 2019, let alone to say who is going to win the World Series. The season kicks off on March 20, following Spring Training, in what is the historic 150th anniversary of professional baseball. The World Series, of course, takes place at the end of October.

East Coast rivals

The Boston Red Sox are obviously hoping to hang onto the Championship, but the New York Yankees – among others – are just as keen to take it away from them. Certainly in terms of the American League East, these are the two teams to be watching once the season gets underway. Both won exactly 100 games each in 2018 before meeting in the playoffs. Right now, the defending champions are favorites to win the American League East for the fourth consecutive season, but it is close. Nearly as many pundits say that the Yankees could take it. It looks like the old East Coast rivalry is playing for high stakes yet again.

Indian territory

Over in the American League Central, the Cleveland Indians look likely to maintain their lockdown. With José Ramírez and Francisco Lindor keeping up the pressure infield, and Carlos Carrasco, Corey Kluber and Trevor Bauer heading up a solid rotation, their only real challengers are the Minnesota Twins or the Chicago White Sox. Right now, however, the Indians are looking pretty unbeatable in their division. They will also be hosting the 90th Major League Baseball All-Star Game at Progressive Field on July 9.

Tracking the odds

At this stage, the odds on various teams taking home various titles are still pretty volatile, but they should firm up once the play begins. Fans looking for the latest odds and hoping to place an early wager should look into the Points Bet first deposit bonus as a great way to make the most of their money. The odds will start to change dramatically once the season gets underway, but putting your dollars down now could mean a more substantial winning later on if your predictions turn out to be correct.

Out West

Over in the American League West, the Houston Astros are the unchallenged favorites. They’re coming off two seasons of 100 straight wins each and they won the World Series in 2017. Many think that they could do it again. They’ve got a killer line-up headed by Alex Bregman, with Gerrit Cole and Justin Verlander in rotation and Michael Brantley making up for a departing Charlie Morton in outfield.

The National League

Looking at the National League, in the East the Washington Nationals look set to make up for a disappointing 2018 as they go into the next season with an impressive line-up of starting pitchers (Patrick Corbin, Max Scherzer and Stephen Strasburg) and a solid mix of experienced and younger players elsewhere.

In the NL Central Division, the Milwaukee Brewers, the St. Louis Cardinals and the Chicago Cubs are almost neck and neck, but it’s a clearer picture in the National League West, where the Los Angeles Dodgers are the favorites by far. If we had to pick one team to win in Central, then we’d have to go for the Cardinals, but the Dodgers are the number one choice to win the league overall and go forward to the World Series.

World Series predictions

Could the 2019 World Series end up being between the Astros and the Dodgers? Certainly, it looks like the American League will be between Houston and whoever comes out of the East – the Red Sox or the Yankees. It really is too close and too early to call, but many are already saying that the Astros are the team to watch. If it comes down to a 2017 rematch, then it could well go the same way, with the Astros coming out on top over the Dodgers in a run of games that will be a joy to watch.

As we said at the start, it really is way too early to be making predictions such as these. The fact is that the Red Sox still have a great chance of holding their ground, and the Yankees have everything to play for. Yes, the Astros are looking good, but so are many other teams. A lot can change over the course of a few months. Baseball should always be capable of throwing us a few surprises, and as the season unfolds, it’s to be hoped that even the sharpest expert will be caught out at least once.    

from Diamond Hoggers

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Estated and Reonomy CEOs agree –– data digitization, not standardization in the near future

In a recent live conference call, hosted by real estate publisher, Propmodo, a few forward thinking minds in property data gauged their predictions on future progress in data transparency and digital access in the real estate biz – anticipating progress, yet at varying speeds.

The two guest participants, Reonomy CEO Richard Sarkis and Estated CEO Joshua Fraser (disclosure: I work for him), discussed the data challenges being faced currently in the world of real estate technology in a 35 minute session moderated by Candyce Edelyn of PropelGrowth and Franco Fraudo of Propmodo

This call focused on the topic of data accessibility, one of 9 prevalent topics at the forefront of the built environment chosen by Propmodo as part of their 2019 Metatrend series, which includes special feature editorials, events and facilitated discussions.

Data accessibility focuses on how we get more data into the hands of those who need it.

Thanks to digitization and new players focusing on data aggregation, access is accelerating faster than ever. By continuing to focus on standardization, enhanced usability of the data once accessed will provide a new level of capabilities for companies who intend to make their mark in the largest asset class in the world.

While leading the charge at Estated, a public record aggregator, Fraser has learned a bit about the hurdles of collecting and processing the massive amounts of source data available across the U.S. He chuckles at the fact that some sources still send him CD-ROMs housing the data, painting a picture of the portion of manual data collection that still exists in this digitized world. Nevertheless, Fraser is confident that we are just a few years off from having this data fully aggregated and accessible, providing the foundational layer needed to support the next benchmark –– standardization.

Both Sarkis and Fraser have their doubts about the likelihood of a real estate standard being implemented anytime soon, however, given how the industry operates.

Sarkis pointed out that there are companies making progress in pockets and in regions, but looking at a nationwide scale brings up too many questions around who is going to be responsible for driving adoption and implementation.

Candyce Edelyn also contributed a unique perspective to the conversation. Coming from a background in securities and trading, she referenced the implementation of a standard decades ago as a catalyst for a huge leap forward in that industry –– which was prompted not by a standardizing body, but by the largest companies coming together in order to make their businesses better, which included their bottom line.

So could the same approach work in the real estate market?

It’s not likely, due to a massive amount of privatization and a lack of financial incentive.

Lack of financial incentive

As demonstrated in the securities example above, change was made because it was in the best interest of corporations who could prompt and drive adoption. Sarkis makes the point that in real estate, there is still power in holding proprietary data and there is not yet enough of an incentive for these companies to relinquish it.

This is where we see the game of tug-of-war between a financial incentive for specific companies over the good of participants throughout the entire industry.

Edelyn drove the point home that transparency is essential to efficient markets and getting vendors and industry participants involved can be a reason for broad adoption of a standards body –– and they have a lot to gain –– given the potential for interoperability with the data. Success with standards implementation means that the data will no longer be held hostage in silos from one company to another and businesses will work better together, improve customer services, and ultimately cut costs if they can make better data-driven decisions.


Associations such as the MLS and NAR are huge influencers that don’t have the same use cases for interoperability as other businesses in the industry.

The MLS is relied upon by brokers and agents for data, not in need of it. Though these organizations serve the industry, they are certainly not in a position to be severely influenced by industry shifts –– they hold the power to cause these shifts. And though as Fraser points out, the number of MLS entities nationwide has significantly declined in recent years as they choose to work together and join together, they are still influential individual players that will have decision making power regarding the future of data standardization in real estate.

There are many reasons why standardization in the industry would be beneficial and businesses and associations like RESO are making strides because of this. The complexity of players involved, however, makes the project of standardization more like a puzzle than a board game –– each piece that makes up the industry must come together, there is not one path to be taken for each player from start to finish. Where and how these players are going to come together is still to be determined.

Finding the right way to shape the benefit of a real estate data standards for each player involved is the magic key to what so many are craving for in this industry.

When and why do you think the tables will finally turn?


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from GeekEstate Blog

Appraisal AI is Using AI for Next Generation Pricing Models

[Note from editor: The “Mastermind Showcase” highlights companies and news from members of the Geek Estate Mastermind. Today’s showcase:]

Combining big data and artificial intelligence, Appraisal AI is working to create the most accurate Intelligent Valuation Models to increase transparency in real estate markets around the country.

Appraisal AI believes that technology is still underutilized when it comes to the real estate industry.  Currently focusing on Single Family Residences, Appraisal AI looks forward to the day when families can make informed decisions about buying and selling without having to guess.

According to CEO and founder, Ritesh Bansal, “We tend to overestimate the short-term impact of technological change and underestimate its long-term impact. AI and Big Data will profoundly transform the real estate transaction process.”

Designed to learn and adapt, their models include data such as neighborhood information (including schools, taxes, crime, hospitals and more), geospatial data sets, social-economic data, spatial data and FEMA.

For more information on Appraisal AI’s work, products and vision, visit

Learn More

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from GeekEstate Blog

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Universal Design Ideas for Your Bathroom

Content originally published and Shared from

Thinking about how long you’ll likely stay in your home can help you plan a universal design for your bathroom. This is beneficial to everyone in the family including the children and the elderly. If you have no idea where to start, here are some great tips:

Photo by Jose Soriano on Unsplash

Single-lever faucets
When choosing a faucet, it’s important to keep in mind how people with limited mobility will use it. A single-lever design can be turned off and on with an open palm or a closed fist, which makes it the perfect addition to a universally designed bathroom. Source: BHG

Flooring that prevents slips
Textured flooring in any location can help prevent dangerous trips, slips, and falls. Tile presents a variety of textural possibilities in the bathroom that can work for universal-design updates. “In showers, we like to cut the tiles in a two-by-two size so that you have a lot of grout in between to prevent slipping,” says Kelly. Larger floor-mat tiles with a bit of texture can also create more friction for walking. Source: ThisOldHouse

Ample space
Wheelchair-accessible bathroom dimensions require clear space of at least 5 feet (60 inches) in diameter to allow a 180-degree turn. If space is at a premium, consider keeping the room open rather than compartmentalizing the toilet so that a wheelchair’s turning radius can be accommodated. Source: HouseLogic

Easy access
Create an easy-to-use bathroom on your home’s main level. If your house has more than one floor, make sure an accommodating bathroom is located on the main level. That way, family members or guests who might not be able to handle stairs will have access to a comfortable bathroom, making your home more welcoming for everyone. Source:  DIYNetwork

Grab bars
Whether a bather is 6 or 60, anyone could use the security of a grab bar in the shower. Sleek grab bars can double as towel holders, and there are modern options that will complement the overall look of your bathroom rather than detracting from it. Source: HGTV

Take a look at our website and feel free to call us if you need help on planning your dream bathroom.


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post Universal Design Ideas for Your Bathroom appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

3 Benefits of Green Roofing

Now that winter is almost over, you can finally start planning your roof project. If you’re thinking about installing a new roof, why not consider an environmentally-friendly option that can help you save energy costs? Here are some other benefits to consider:

Photo by Katie Treadway on Unsplash

Prolong Roof Life Span
In addition to energy savings, roof gardens have a beneficial effect on roofs themselves. Most roofs, exposed as they are to sun, wind, snow and rain, go through rather large variations in temperature. These extreme temperatures cause the roof membrane to shrink in cooler weather, and expand in hot weather.

All this shrinking and swelling takes a toll on the roof, shortening its lifespan — but rooftop gardens can help. In the Canadian research noted above, the bare roof experienced daily temperature fluctuations of 83 degrees F; the roof gardens reduced this variation to just 22 degrees F. When the city of Roanoke, Va., installed a green roof on its municipal building — at a relatively low cost of $123,000 — it added 20 to 60 years to the life of the current roof. Source: TheSpruce

Positive Impact to the Environment
Having a green roof provides a habitat for many species who would not otherwise be living in a built up urban area. Also, by having plants on the top of your property, you are doing your own little bit to save the planet by providing a few more plants to process carbon dioxide and reduce your carbon footprint. If those are not reasons enough to get to gardening on the roof, consider your bank balance. Having a rooftop garden provides valuable insulation to a property, which in turn conserves energy and reduces your heating costs, which can only be a good thing. Source: DoItYourself

Avoid Sewage Overflow
Another important benefit of green roofs is their ability to reduce and slow stormwater runoff in urban environments. Because rooftops and streets in cities are hard surfaces, the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff increases tremendously and is a major source of flooding and pollution worldwide. Due to nonporous surfaces like pavement and rooftops, a typical city block generates more than five times more runoff than a woodland area of the same size. The ability a green roof has to absorb (and filter) water significantly lowers the risk of flash flooding and sewer overflows. In the summer, green roofs retain up to 90 percent of the precipitation that falls on them and up to 40 percent in the winter. Source: Sustainability

Roofing projects can be complicated! It’s better to leave it to the experts to make sure you get quality results within your budget. Call us today!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8279 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4W1
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD

Cedar Ridge in Port Moody

Cedar Ridge by Allaire Living and Headwater Living is a new townhouse development located in Port Moody. This project will offer a collection of 28 executive3 and 4 bedroom townhomes. Live in the heart of a thriving suburban neighbourhood with modern amenities including a flagship supermarket, access to the Evergreen SkyTrain line, and an eclectic cluster of shops and restaurants all just minutes from home.

The post Cedar Ridge in Port Moody appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.

from Projects – Vancouver New Condos

20 SEC READ: Writing (ENG, ESPA, PORT)

ESPANOL AQUI–> El acto de escribirPORTUGUES AQUI –> O ato de escrever “There are two types of writers: those who make you think and those who make you dream” says Brian Aldiss, who made me dream for such a long time with his science-fiction books. In principle I believe that every human being on this […]

from Paulo Coelho

Ronald Acuna Wants to Hit Lead Off

Ronald Acuna Jr. and his manager Brian Snitker spoke about him remaining in the leadoff spot for 2019.

Here’s what Acuna had to say:

“If it was up to me personally, I’d like to stay in the leadoff spot, simply because I like hitting there,” Acuna said. “But obviously those types of decisions are out of my control. The only thing I can control is to work hard and do my best.”

I would expect that as the 2019 season wears on, you will see Acuna moved to the two or three spot. Perhaps even the clean-up role. I think Snitker will tinker with the lineup a little bit and Acuna will be a floating piece. Still, it’s nice to see that Acuna is willing to remain in the role he had Rookie of the Year success in for his initial season in the big leagues.

from Diamond Hoggers

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Kira in West Coquitlam

Kira by Woodbridge Homes is a new 6-storey condo development located in West Coquitlam. This project will offer 116, 1, 2 and 3-bedroom homes, sizes range from 542 to 1136 sq ft. Live where life continues to evolve, with urban amenities, recreation, schools, and nature in the neighbourhood. A five-minute walk to SkyTrain and access to major highways quickly link you to Burnaby, Port Moody, and downtown Vancouver. Kira inspires you to live brilliantly. The development is scheduled for completion in 2021.

The post Kira in West Coquitlam appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.

from Projects – Vancouver New Condos

Five Road Richmond

Five Road Richmond by Anthem is a new townhouse development located at No. 5 Road & Steveston Highway in Richmond. This project will offer a collection of 47 West Coast Contemporary 3 and 4 bedroom family townhomes enriched by public art and a private park, in the growing Ironwood neighbourhood. Enjoy living minutes from destinations that mean the most to you.

The post Five Road Richmond appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.

from Projects – Vancouver New Condos

Meet the Clutter Scale: One Pro's Secret to a More Intentional Home

Although I have always been organized, there were two significant moments in my life that taught me how to manage clutter.

The first was when I returned from a backpacking trip around the world. Having visited homes in many developing nations, I no longer wanted to have such excess in my own home. My possessions were organized, but I had too many of them for my taste.

After I unpacked from my journey, I began a thorough review of my stuff. I started upstairs, removing unnecessary items floor by floor. By the time I reached the basement, I had enough stuff to set up a second apartment.

My second decluttering lesson was right after my divorce. Just months after the split, I was facing bankruptcy. I began my climb out of sudden and severe financial debt while simultaneously making a name for myself in the organizing industry. I hired a top-tier PR agent, but I knew I had to come up with some big bucks to cover his fee and all the expenses that go along with creating a brand. I decided to sell my home and everything I owned to make it happen.

As I sorted my belongings for a second time, I created the ranking system below to help me decide what to keep and what to toss. It worked beautifully for me, and I think it can work for you too.

The clutter scale

5 - Important items whose place in your home is non-negotiable. For me, this included my green-stained Depression glass, photos, business files, office equipment and car.

4 - Items that are difficult to replace and items you use every day. This pile included most of my clothes, some furniture, a favorite sheet set, towels and jewelry.

3 - Items you use occasionally but haven’t used within the last six months.

2 - Items you rarely use but feel hesitant to toss.

1 - Items you never use, like seasonal items, specialized tools or kitchen gadgets. I got rid of stationery, extra wrapping paper, old boxes and my printer.

You know what I found as I used the clutter scale? There were rarely items that rated a 2 or 3. And once I established some criteria, I sorted and purged the 2s and 3s like never before. As you sort your less important items, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I love it?
  • What's the special story behind it?
  • Do I have the space for it?
  • Can I replace it?
  • Can I easily borrow it or rent it if I need it again?
  • Does it support my goals and values?
  • Does it compare to the items I ranked as a 5?

The clutter scale is a great way to get back in touch with your priorities. My priority at the time was starting my business, so I kept the bigger goal in sight and let go of anything that didn’t support it.

What I didn't know then was that I was already practicing what I was going to preach in my business. I learned to organize my life and stuff based on my values. I chose to collect experiences - not things.

As you declutter and rank your possessions, don’t forget to take a few minutes to think about your goals and values. You’ll find your home to be much more intentional and peaceful if you do!


Originally published January 2017.

from Zillow Porchlight

With This DIY Sporting Goods Catch-All, Game Day Is No Sweat

This project will help you organize your garage and become the MVP of DIY projects. With all your sporting gear in the same place, you’ll always be prepared when someone yells, "Where’s my basketball?” (Or volleyball, hockey stick, tennis racket, etc.)

See how it’s done, then follow the step-by-step instructions to build one of your own.

1. Find a bookcase

Choose a bookcase with at least three wide shelves so you can store gear in a variety of sizes.

2. Add locking wheels

Attach locking wheels to the bottom of the bookcase so you can easily move it around the mudroom or the garage.

3. Drill holes

Drill evenly spaced holes (about four or five, depending on the width of the bookcase) along the top surface of one of the shelves. Keep the holes fairly close to the edge - about one-half inch away or less.

On the underside of the shelf below, drill holes to match up exactly with the holes on the shelf above.

4. Attach bungee cords

Place the bungee cord hooks in the drilled holes, and arrange the cords vertically so they create a net. You want the cords to be pretty taut, so get the right size for your bookcase.

5. Mount peg boards

Frame the sides of your bookcase with 1-by-2-inch boards to support peg boards that have been cut to size. Secure the peg boards with a few nails on the top and bottom.

6. Customize with hooks and holders

Place hooks and holders on the peg board so you can hang your tennis rackets, baseball gloves, jerseys, helmets and more.

7. Load up your catch-all, MVP!

Grab your gear and organize the bins however you see fit. Now all you have to worry about is scoring the winning goal.


Originally published September 2017.

from Zillow Porchlight

Amira in Uptown Neighbourhood of New Westminster

Amira by Alpha Beta Developments and Domus Homes is a new 6-storey condo development located in in the vibrant uptown neighbourhood of New Westminster. This project will offer 41 modern apartments, features one, two, and three-bedrooms homes, sizes range from 613-1,020 sqft. The development is scheduled for completion in 2020.

The post Amira in Uptown Neighbourhood of New Westminster appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.

from Projects – Vancouver New Condos

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Will Ivy Kill My Tree?

Will ivy kill my tree?

We all see ivy growing up trees from the ground cover below.  You’ve undoubtedly seen it growing up the sides of buildings, too.  Clients often ask “will ivy growing up a tree kill it?”

Structural Damage

The short answer is yes, eventually.

Ivy damages the bark as it climbs.  Ivy will eventually overtake even a mature tree.  As ivy climbs, it weakens branches through its weight and prevents light from penetrating to the leaves. Weakened plants and trees are more susceptible to problems like pests or disease.ivy

Think about it this way; trees are adapted to certain conditions.  They’re able to handle stresses from drought, wind, snow – you get the picture.  When you add a lot of extra weight to those very precisely adapted branches, and then it snows, the tree is unprepared.  Also, the ivy steals nutrients and that the tree would have been able to use. Lastly, the ivy can root into the tree and steal the vital carbohydrates and moisture that pass up and down through the tree.

What do I do about it?

A particularly tricky thing to do is to remove ivy from trees. It is best to remove the ivy from the tree and keep it away from the trunk of the tree. Ideally you want get it about 3 to 4 feet away to prevent it climbing up the tree again. If it has a head start or is considerably up the tree, remove as much as you can without harming the bark. Once you have created a tree ring at least 3-4 feet, this is a good time to create a mulch ring.  This allows you to see the ivy growing over the mulch, making it manageable. I would refrain from spraying non-selective herbicides around the base of the tree, as you can get uptake and harm the tree.

Start with a pair or loppers, hand pruners or a hand saw depending on the thickness of the vine.  Cut it, and start gently pulling it off the tree. Most often, any ivy up the tree will die off in dry weather.  If the roots are firmly hooked into the bark and pulling the plant off will also remove some of the bark, stop! You may damage the tree, so it’s time for “Plan B.”

Starting at the base of the tree, cut an inch or two section out of the ivy stem and remove it. Carefully paint the cuts on the still attached stem with full strength Round-Up. Repeat the process every few feet up the stem of the ivy as high as you can reach. You may need to repeat this a few times before you fully kill the ivy.


Once the ivy has died, you can then take the stems off the tree as the roots will break away rather than cling to the tree.  If you would rather not mess with the herbicides please Call Us and we can help you with this process.



The post Will Ivy Kill My Tree? appeared first on Tomlinson Bomberger.

from Tomlinson Bomberger

Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Adam Blake from Zego

In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Adam Blake from Zego.

Without further ado…

What do you do?

Zego is the hub for smarter apartment living. Built by real estate experts and backed by artificial intelligence, Zego enhances multifamily communities by integrating smart home devices with a single app that connects residents with management, maintenance and a marketplace for local services. Zego improves operational efficiencies and generates additional revenue for owners and managers, while improving apartment living for residents.

What problem does your product/service solve?

Zego has set the standard for the “resident app” in apartment communities. We have created the first all-in-one mobile solution that integrates smart home technology, communication, rent payment, work orders, local services, and more into a single app. Until now, these technologies and capabilities either didn’t exist or were spread across disparate systems: email, text, web portals, smart home apps, etc.

Once Zego’s technology is deployed across a community, the manager has an unprecedented digital connection with the resident. Engaging with residents where they spend their time, on their phones, leads to a better resident experience and creates an interesting platform to sell additional services

What are you most excited about right now?

We recently announced a deal with S2 Capital in collaboration with Amazon to deploy Zego’s technology to 30,000 apartment units. We’re launching a fair amount of new product features incorporating Alexa’s voice control technology. It’s really exciting to have a front row seat to the “voice revolution” taking place.

What’s next for you?

We are scaling our resident app to hundreds of thousands of units. Historically, we have been focused on smart apartment technology that requires hardware in apartments. While this has been a great product for the market with strong resident engagement in our app, the physical hardware presents a limitation to rapidly scale to hundreds of thousands or millions of units. Our resident app requires no hardware, can be quickly deployed, and has recently become robust enough to offer a no brainer value proposition to clients.

What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?

I’m passionate about supporting youth and student entrepreneurship. I’ve been heavily involved with organizations such as the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards, I serve on the advisory board for TCU’s Neeley Entrepreneurship Center, and have done a lot of speaking and mentoring with various youth/ student oriented entrepreneurship organizations and competitions.

Our traditional education system doesn’t do enough to foster entrepreneurship so I love supporting organizations that support and empower young entrepreneurs.

Meet The RE Tech EntrepreneurThanks to Adam for sharing his story. If you’d like to connect, find him on LinkedIn here.

We’re constantly looking for great real estate tech entrepreneurs to feature. If that’s you, please read this post — then drop me a line (drew @ geekestatelabs dot com).

The post Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Adam Blake from Zego appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

from GeekEstate Blog

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Vlad Guerrero Jr. Is Coming

In the words of my good friend M.J. Lloyd: *CHEF KISS*.

The sound of the ball coming off Vlad Jr’s bat here is something different. However, there’s no timeline on when the next one arrives according to Toronto. That said, it won’t be long. And when it happens – you know this guy is going to rake.

Acuna was last year’s one. Vlad Jr. is this year’s.

from Diamond Hoggers

Your Saturday Baseball Post

It’s Saturday, and like; I barely have the heart to write. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Typically, this is the time of year I am filled with excitement. I have never felt so low in life.

That said, I’m trying to focus on the stuff I love. Baseball is in the air, and spring training is in session.

Corey Seager is back doing baseball stuff! I can’t wait to see this guy play again.

ID Figures is at NY Toyfair.

Great look at the upcoming Acuna figure.

Here it is:

Anyways, as you can tell I am not really myself. I am struggling but will continue trying to write about baseball; as it’s been my passion and saved me from a lot of unhappiness, pain and despair over the course of my life. Some of it – much of it – resides on these very pages.

Everyone be blessed, and enjoy your Saturday.

from Diamond Hoggers