Saturday, February 23, 2019

Your Saturday Baseball Post

It’s Saturday. I have the flu – and I have to take my 4 year old to a daddy-daughter dance. I’ll be the walking wounded and find my way.

We are just 33 days away from Opening Day 2019. I will be headed to spring training in a couple days so I better heal up. There are baseball games taking place today in Spring Training. Eternal hope is on the horizon.

Today’s song of the week that should be played on a ballpark loudspeaker nearest you is The Chilites, Oh Girl. Can anyone take me back to a time when this song was still playing on the radio every day? When music was music? Everyone’s wanted to play this for a woman. It’s also in the Sopranos.

Every day should be Saturday. Even if you have the flu and can’t move. Be blessed friends.

from Diamond Hoggers

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