Saturday, August 27, 2016

A Double-Dip Gentleman’s Game Update!

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I need everyone to bear with me – the Ombudsman of the Gentleman’s game. This is where this contest could really use an intern.

My wife just had our second kid, as I’ve already mentioned on the blog. So unfortunately the second most important things in life like updating the Gentleman’s game; well you fall a bit behind.

Freshly-discharged from the hospital, this post is ready to go. We have to update scoring from TWO Friday’s ago where our own t3bird04 (who has a bushel of kids himself) took down the Gents game and moved a bit closer to DStars45, reigning champ.

Yearly Standings:
DStars45 – 76 points
t3bird04 – 71 points
Jsquad34 – 61 points
Diamondhoggers – 57 points
Swindaman3 – 48 points

Here’s a copy of his lineup where Evan Gattis and Jose Altuve ruled the earth, along with Joey Votto and Manny Machado providing solid scoring:

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Click through the jump to read about last night’s contest.

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Last night’s Gentleman’s game was won by DStars45. And I want to point out that he used not one but TWO whores in Bartolo Colon and David Phelps! And no, Swindaman3 this post is not going up the day after he won because it’s DStars45, I simply don’t know when else I would be able to get it up.

Other guys who went apeshit for the champ were Gary Sanchez, Josh Donaldson, and Justin Upton who is enjoying a bit of a revival of sorts. The night was over early for the rest of us. Last night’s results after first place did an interesting shift to the yearly standings:

Yearly Standings:
DStars45 – 81 points
t3bird04 – 73 points
Jsquad34 – 64 points
Diamondhoggers – 58 points
Swindaman3 – 52 points

Diamondhoggers (me) had a lousy effort, being the only gent to not top 100 points; and for it I’m not six full points behind JSquad. There was no trading spaces this week with my nemesis for the year. Stars moves a full eight points ahead of our own t3bird04 on the year, and Swindaman3 is starting to have ideas about climbing out of the basement.

Here’s a copy of the winning lineup from DStars45:

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So what is going to happen next week? Will I be committed to an insane asylum before tomorrow comes? Will Swindaman3 become constipated and forget to do a lineup? Will JSquad34 declare himself a 5th place entrant by Wednesday? Will I ever be able to get to the computer again to do a post like this? Will t3bird04 provide me with parenting tips that help when you have several kids under two? Will Dstars45 continue his path of destruction on his way to a second straight Gentleman’s cup?


from Diamond Hoggers

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