Friday, August 19, 2016

It’s important to get the Gentleman’s game post up with Swindaman3 wins….. at some point

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We want to apologize to our good friend Swindaman3. He had a Helluva week in the Gentleman’s Game Cup Series last week, blowing away the competition. It’s become a part of the Gents Game tradition that if Jsquad or Swindy win, this post goes up as late as possible. Since we’re in the middle of another thrilling Friday night contest, it’s that time of the week. This post must go up. Through jobs, and moves, and the changes of life, and child birth; the show of the Gents Game and this post must always go on.

It’s been a tough year for Swindaman3, but the thing we love about him is he has never once given up. Each week he shows up and sits atop his porcelain toilet throne and puts out the best toilet lineup he can. He’s really doing quite well for a guy who builds his lineups on the shitter.

The Gentleman’s Game MVP was our personal favorite, Homer Bailey! Bailey struck out eleven Milwaukee Brewers; on his way to 37. 1 points. This keyed the Toilet Master to victory this week as he was the only owner to trust Bailey last Friday evening.

Here’s a look at the yearly standings. Some things never change; like who is in first, who is in second, and JSquad34 and Diamondhoggers simply flip-flop every week.

Yearly Standings:
DStars45 – 73 points
t3bird04 – 66 points
Jsquad34 – 57 points
Diamondhoggers – 55 points
Swindaman3 – 47 points

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from Diamond Hoggers

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