Sunday, September 25, 2016

Jose Fernandez (1992-2016)

jose fernand

This is unbelievable news to wake up to – that Jose Fernandez has died at age 24 – in a boating accident.

There just aren’t many pitchers I really enjoy anymore. There aren’t that many I would consider good. I knew the first time Fernandez pitched that we had a bad ass on the mound and one that was going to be good for a very long time.

Things like this should never happen, but they do. When they do there just really aren’t words. This is so incredibly saddening.

I had a horrible dream back in Spring Training that a player had died, and I won’t name the player. I’m not sure why I had the dream. It was horrifying enough I woke myself up in a panic. This is like living that nightmare. Again, I can count on two hands the pitchers I really enjoy in baseball. Fernandez was on that short list.

His final start five days ago was a work of art. A 1-0 victory in which he had 12 strikeouts and no walks.

Thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by the horrible loss of this young man and immense talent.

from Diamond Hoggers

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