Wednesday, March 22, 2017

HomeLight TV Ads: The Smarter Way to find a Real Estate Agent

At the bar prior to the Seattle Sounders home opener Sunday night, I was shocked when I looked over and saw the tail end of a Homelight television spot.

Most recent:

The smarter way to find a real estate agent.

I get why they use that as the core tag line, though not sure it captures the imagination enough. If I’m looking for an agent right this second, sure I may be tempted to go see what Homelight is all about. However, if I’m not in the market for an agent, I don’t feel particularly curious about what’s so magical about the product (thus, I would not dig in deeper, and likely forget about them entirely).

One thing is certain. Something about the business must be working if Homelight is willing to invest in TV advertising. Either that, or it’s a hail mary prior to bankruptcy.

The post HomeLight TV Ads: The Smarter Way to find a Real Estate Agent appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

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