Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Meet the RE Tech Entrepreneur: Joshua Hunt from TRELORA

In our latest real estate tech interview, we’re talking with Joshua Hunt from TRELORA. Based in Denver, “TRELORA is the word REALTOR® jumbled up for a reason”.

Without further ado…

What do you do?

That’s a loaded question. Oftentimes, I feel like it’s a cycle of stumbling, falling and getting back up. I aim to be the leader that empowers our team to be extraordinary. But, if I really think about what I do best and what is best for TRELORA and the team, it is to…

  • Cast and hold the vision for TRELORA and always be the TRUE north for the team
  • Focus on my key players and really be the runway for them to take off from, so they can turn around and do the same for their teams
  • Connect with people in the community, find a need and fill it in any way I can, and truly keep my sights on loving and serving people well

I founded TRELORA with the idea that real estate could be better – much better. As a managing broker and franchise owner, I saw the disparity in the service clients were receiving, but all brokers were being paid the same 3%. Not to mention the enormous gap in commissions for a $100,000 house and a $1,000,000 home. And for what? What was someone paying for when they paid their REALTOR® that much more?

It no longer made sense to me, so I founded TRELORA; it’s the word REALTOR® jumbled up for a reason.

In pursuit of that dream, I wake up every day with the thoughts of how I can focus on my key players and be the foundation for them to win. I’m only one man – though I have enough opinions for 100 men – I can either fight tooth and nail to control every aspect of the business or I can hire the best people for the job who will ultimately make it better than I would have had I been in complete control. TRELORA is my baby and I’ve got to surround it with the best caregivers possible to watch it grow, instead of choking it to death with my love.

As a support system for the leadership of the company, it’s my job to make sure I create opportunity for everyone to innovate and think outside the box. We all want to feel like we matter and can be a part of something bigger than ourselves and when I can support that desire in their hearts we all win!

My other main focus is being involved in the Denver community. I grew up here and have watched it develop. I’ve also seen how the development has hit some harder than others and I’m very passionate about supporting community members like I do with my own team at TRELORA. I don’t ever see myself not being involved in the community – it’s what I live for.

What problem does your product/service solve?

Home buyers and sellers are accustomed to unpredictable and oftentimes mediocre services when buying and selling a home. Then they’re left in the dark and are subject to the unknown and unpredictable reality of constantly having to wait on an agent to answer a call or email. And, to make matters exponentially worse, they get all this for fees that are far from fair. When you’re paying $120,000 in commission, what kind of service are you actually getting?

Times have changed. Technology has changed. With TRELORA, real estate is changing.

TRELORA is committed to creating a world-class home buying and selling experience at a price that’s fair for everyone. TRELORA delivers the expertise of the top .05% of agents in the country, unmatched customer service, and an intelligent technology platform to offer an evolved real estate model. No more sub-par service from a “jack of all trades”.

We put homeowners first.

What are you most excited about right now?

I am most excited about the team we have built around TRELORA from the ground up. We have extraordinary people who truly love others and serve them well. They have a desire to be apart of something bigger than themselves, which is monumental. We have the talent to actually deliver excellent results for the customer and that’s going to take us farther than we’ve ever been before.

We have some exciting things coming up on our product roadmap this year and we’re bracing for growth in the peak real estate season. It’s never a dull moment around TRELORA.

What’s next for you?

To continue investing time and energy in learning how to be a better leader for this company. My number one focus each day is to be better than the day before. I want to allow all of the teams to be in control of their destiny and I want them to feel invaluable and indispensable every single day they step in the door. Simply put, I want everyone to feel famous!

What’s a cause you are passionate about and why?

Homelessness! Being in the housing business and knowing that there are thousands of people who will have nowhere to rest their head tonight always makes my heart heavy. I have a burning desire to lead a significant change and give to that community. Sometimes it’s a simple as eye contact and a smile, a few bucks or time with them in a shelter, and other ways like being involved in the city with affordable housing and the HOPE program! Through the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Leadership Denver program I’ve had the opportunity to become more involved with affordable housing initiatives. We’re also partnering with entities in both the public and private sectors to provide downpayment assistance for several Affordable Housing initiatives in the City of Denver. It’s that type of involvement that I can’t get enough of.

The TRELORA Foundation was formed in 2015 with the express purpose of loving and serving people well, with a primary focus around homeownership, housing, and homeless initiatives. The Foundation continues to operate and enhance lives through it’s Green Pig Project and various other initiatives.

Thanks to Joshua for sharing his story. If you’d like to connect, you may find him on Linkedin.

Meet The RE Tech EntrepreneurWe’re constantly looking for great real estate tech entrepreneurs to feature. If that’s you, please read this post — then drop me a line (drew @ geekestatelabs dot com).

The post Meet the RE Tech Entrepreneur: Joshua Hunt from TRELORA appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

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