Friday, September 22, 2017

This Could be the Grandest Tommy LaSorda Friday of them All

Baseball’s loudest noise is that the Dodgers are struggling. But I think that the magic of a few different things could have the stars aligning in the most magical city in the world tonight.

The Los Angeles Dodgers are going to clinch on Tommy Lasorda’s birthday tonight. It’s a LaSorda Friday here at Diamond Hoggers – and we had time to get this post up.

Here are your Lasorda Nuggets on what could be the greatest Lasorda Friday of them all:

Then of course, this classic. The grandaddy of them all that started it all.

I could listen to Tommy curse at T.J. Simmers for the rest of my life and it would never get old.

About the screenshot above… I’ve sent Tommy a text on his birthday a few times. It’s never been returned. His number was given to me by a good friend of mine. A friend who is ‘on the inside’ enough to know that it’s Tommy LaSorda’s number.

If the Dodgers clinch tonight, I’m calling him. I’m calling Tom Lasorda to say happy birthday and that it’s a damn good day to be a Dodger; because we’ve all been through Heaven and Hell following this 2017 team. And because you only get so many chances to dial up Tommy. I’ll report my findings here soon if we reach him.

In the meantime, Corey Seager is gutting it out. Expect magic tonight at Chavez! Tonight is the beginning of the rest of their 2017 Dodger lives!

from Diamond Hoggers

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