Sunday, November 5, 2017

Vin Scully: “I will never watch another NFL Game.”

Jerry Jones. Papa Johns. Vin Scully. Three American things I can always count on.

I like the NFL. But it can suck a dick with this anthem-protest, ‘lets try to please everyone’ angle. The protest isn’t just ignorant (African Americans aren’t oppressed, this is the single greatest country in the world for a minority to succeed) and misplaced (the workplace is no place to stage a political protest). But really no matter which side of the fence you sit – Vin Scully isn’t going for it.

“I have only one personal thought, really. And I am so disappointed. And I used to love, during the fall and winter, to watch the NFL on Sunday. And it’s not that I’m some great patriot. I was in the Navy for a year—didn’t go anywhere, didn’t do anything. But I have overwhelming respect and admiration for anyone who puts on a uniform and goes to war. So the only thing I can do in my little way is not to preach. I will never watch another NFL game.”

Thatta boy, Vin.

I really miss the guy, he’s 90 years old now and has said that he has done his last on-field appearance ever with him being part of the first pitch ceremony before historic Game Two of the World Series. But this just furthered my love for the guy.

The people who say bad things about the wise old man are horrible, horrible people.

from Diamond Hoggers

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