Saturday, November 11, 2017

Your Saturday Baseball Post

Happy Saturday. I hope everyone is buckled in and ready for a long winter. Obviously, baseball news is at a minimum with the awards coming up this week. We’ll keep the torch lit here and going as well as we can during the offseason, which no matter how interesting you try to make it is still kind of boring and pales in comparison to the action during the spring, summer, and early fall.

There’s a ton of college football on today, and in our case; our one year old is sick. There’s nothing worse than when your kids are sick.

Today’s 80’s song of the week that should be played on a ballpark loudspeaker nearest you is by Heart. It’s called Never.

Thank you for your continued support of Diamond Hoggers. Enjoy your Saturday! We will get through this winter together.

from Diamond Hoggers

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