Saturday, April 21, 2018

Your Saturday Baseball Post

It’s Saturday – and there’s still some meat left on the bone in April. Hopefully your fantasy seasons have gotten off to a strong start. Saturday is the best day of the week. It used to be the day before I had kids where there was a world of possibility. It brought and restored justice into a week full of clutter. You could go to the gym, take a nap, have some drinks, and conquer the earth.

Now, with kids; Saturday has been reduced to rubbish almost. It’s like any other day – only toys are spread all over my living room. It’s still the best day of the week. There’s a full slate of baseball, and we put the flag at half mass on this day.

Your 1980’s song of the week is a beauty this week. Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes with one that may jerk a tear – it reminds me of childhood.

So go and enjoy your Saturday. Hopefully the Dodgers win, but they probably won’t. Hopefully the Reds can get their fourth win of the year, but again; probably won’t. Nothing can ruin Saturday. It’s the greatest.

Thank you for your continued support of Diamond Hoggers.

from Diamond Hoggers

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