Monday, May 23, 2016

How I Increased My Instagram Engagement Rate by 46% in 3 Days

Instagram is a great social media for businesses to market their products that depend much on visual inspiration. There is a lot of potential in using Instagram for business but I won't go into that in depth here. The point here is how can we use Instagram more effectively and efficiently.

I have been searching for tools to aid my social media marketing, in this instance, tools that are specifically for Instagram. One problem that I've faced is the need to constantly engage my followers with interesting posts and checking them on my phone which is generally taking too much of my time.

Trust me, no smart marketers like to constantly be checking their social media accounts on their phone.

Hopper, An Instagram Productivity Saver

Hence, I embarked on a search to find a tool that would be able to solve my problem. I'd heard of automatic Instagram schedulers which can help me to schedule my post in advance which is useful. I tried a few tools but the problem that they have is that while they'll assist me to schedule and plan my posts, they do not automatically do the posting for me.

How I Increased My Instagram Engagement Rate by 46% in 3 Days

I still have to log into my account via my smartphone to do the posting. They basically just remind you to do your part.

So what's the point of having a tool with which you can schedule your post but that only reminds you without doing the heavy lifting? It's just like hiring a cleaner who will only tell you which part of your house is dirty but not actually help you clean your house! Of course, it's only a matter of time before those tools develop the function but it might be too late for my case.

After much searching, I was fortunate to discover Hopper, it allows me to schedule posts to Instagram, and then posts them out at the time I specify. Not just push notifications or reminders!

I do not need to log into my Instagram account at all. All I have to do is to create and schedule my post in the app dashboard, and Hopper will do the rest for me.

What I particularly like is the ability to edit my upload pictures online with the image editor. It's real handy with 25 different filters and many other photo editing capabilities. Additionally ,Hopper allows you choose your images directly from your connected accounts at Flickr, Dropbox Facebook and Google Drive, or you can even take a picture using your computer camera. It's super easy and friendly.

How I Increased My Instagram Engagement Rate by 46% in 3 Days

Case Study

I'm using the business plan and with the aid of Hopper, I manage to schedule 4 posts a day based on the data I have gotten from Iconosquare. The time that they are posted is based on the best performing times shown by the analytics.

After three days of the routine, my average post likes have increased from the previous 74 to 108 with more comments coming in. I presumed the increase in comments was due to the content that I'd shared.

In today's world, everyone is so busy yet we want to utilize all sort of ways to market our business. If a tool can save you time, it's a no-brainer to use it, especially if your business depends heavily on Instagram, the Hopper can make a difference in your productivity.

As a satisfied user, I strongly recommend this app. There are three plans available, for business, it's common sense that you take the business plan for $19 per month which allows you unlimited scheduling and unlimited posting for a single account. If you are someone who manages or owns a lot of Instagram accounts, the agency plan allows you to manage up to 7 different Instagram accounts.

I'm not sure if a normal Instagram user will have the need to schedule their posts, but if you have a huge following or have the urge and need to constantly engage your followers, the Hopper looks to be a good choice too.

Of course, any good product allows you to try them out for a period of time unless you are ready to hand your money over to them. Take the 14 day trial here. A read of their FAQs has indicated a few features that they will be improving on, so you'll be assured that it's going to be more powerful in the future.

What tools have you tried to manage your Instagram account? Let us know!

PS: Onextrapixel doesn't have an Instagram account, I'm using it on my other business account. I thought of sharing this tool with our readers here since I find it useful.

from Onextrapixel – Web Design and Development Online Magazine

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