Friday, June 17, 2016

ESPN will do a 30 for 30 on Darryl Strawberry & Doc Gooden

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Everyone is talking about 30 for 30: O.J. Simpson, Made in America. The one I can’t wait for is Darryl & Doc, premiering July 14th at 9:00 PM.

I’ve long been a sucker for anything about the 80’s New York Mets, especially Darryl Strawberry stuff since he was my first favorite player. As they always do, I expect ESPN to knock this out of the park. It’s the only item that makes turning on the Worldwide Leader worthwhile anymore.

Then there’s this, which just wreaks of classic:

That was following this game, where Doc Gooden won his 20th game for the first time at Shea Stadium against Steve Garvey, Kevin McReynolds and the Padres.

from Diamond Hoggers

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