Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sources for Local Neighborhood Data

A big part of a real estate professionals job is knowing your local area better than anyone else. Whether looking for blogging inspiration, researching a specific topic for a blog, or seeking answers for clients moving to the area — where do you research neighborhoods?

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve written about local neighborhood data sources (see here), so thought I’d put together another list:

  • Yelp
  • Foursquare
  • StreetAdvisor
  • Local neighborhood blogs
  • City websites
  • 2010 Census Data

Remember, you can use the local market explorer plugin if you’re on a self-hosted version of WordPress to easily create city and neighborhood pages.

What other sources do you use?

[Disclosure: StreetAdvisor is a consulting client]

The post Sources for Local Neighborhood Data appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

from GeekEstate Blog

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