Wednesday, December 21, 2016

DH Video Select: Vin Scully ‘The Wind Beneath My Wings’

We simply can’t get away from old Vin Scully. The summer and fall of 2016 was the most magical we’ve ever had watching the game of baseball once we decided to dig in and start enjoying Vin Scully on a nightly basis. A Dodgers home game became an event to really savor and look forward to

As time began to wind down, we felt it in a big way. But with all great things, it built into a climax; a crescendo. And it culminated with the greatest Vin Scully moment of them all for us.

We cried like a baby during this. It was one of those rare moments where you actually know it’s the end of something totally legendary. Vin meant so much to our baseball life. This was just too much.

He might not have been as smooth as Bette Midler’s version, but he didn’t exactly butcher the rendition either.

from Diamond Hoggers

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