Monday, December 12, 2016

Kenley Jansen re-signs with Dodgers for five years, $80 Million

Not to fast on the farewell’s to Kenley Jansen.

The Dodgers signed Kenley Jansen to a five-year, $80 million dollar contract today. It was the second largest deal for a reliever in the history of the sport, to Aroldis Chapman’s recently-signed record deal.

So all things in Los Angeles remain in homeostasis for now. Jeffrey Loria is left chasing his prize piece of art. The Washington Nationals are left out in the cold without a dance partner of their desire once again. And the Dodgers, well the Dodgers will continue to be permitted to play “California Love” in the ninth at home when they’re leading.

Jansen is a very key cog in the nucleus in SoCal, and we didn’t want to see him leave. We’re really happy about this.

from Diamond Hoggers

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