Friday, December 30, 2016

Preparing for Fantasy Baseball 2017

So aside from my family, God, and maybe the freedom my country provides and baseball itself; fantasy baseball is about the most important thing out there to me. Yeah, it’s lame. But I’ve said it before. I can’t play anymore, so the competitive desire has to be fueled by owning players on fake teams. I’m happy with it. Just let me be, okay?

Recently a great post popped up on Rotographs about How To Win Your Ottoneu League Auction. Great stuff here, as I prepare for my first money Ottoneu league sometime this coming spring or winter.

Another fantasy baseball item I loved reading recently was an interview at the Hardball Times with the founding father of fantasy baseball, Daniel Okrent. Okrent was featured several times within the Ken Burns documentary: Baseball. It’s a great read if you love fantasy baseball and didn’t know how the game got started.

Then there’s maybe my favorite fantasy baseball post of all-time, over at Deadspin. This should be required reading for anyone who plays rotisserie.

I also started thumbing through my copy of Ron Shandler’s 2017 Baseball Forecaster tonight on about 20-25 guys I was really interested in seeing what he had to say on.

I can’t wait to get the 2017 fantasy draft season underway.

from Diamond Hoggers

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