Monday, December 19, 2016

The Die Hard Keeper Fantasy League Championship Ring

So for my keeper fantasy baseball league that I created back in 2011 – my pride and joy league – I decided to raise the stakes and create a championship league ring this year and every year following for the league winner.

I commissioned the creation of our first championship ring through Official Fantasy Rings (@TheFantasyRings on twitter) and they did a great job of getting this done quickly, and responding to many messages about customization and how the process was coming along. If you’re a serious fantasy sports player – and lets be honest, when you’re a mid-30’s guy who loves sports and you can’t play anymore, this becomes the most important thing in your life aside from your family – I would give them a recommendation to any league.

Here are a few more looks at the Die Hard Keeper League title ring, awarded to the 2016 Champion; the Detroit Stars (the Stars also won the thing in 2015 before we began the tradition).

And with that, I am inspired to win a damn ring in 2017. I need one of these, in a display case in my mancave; where it assuredly will matter to no one but myself.

Here are our league champions dating back to the league’s inception in 2011, along with their winning point total.

2011 – COSFBA (No longer league member), 135.5 points

2012 – Diamond Hoggers (That’s us!), 134 points

2013 – Off Base Percentage, 127 points

2014 – No Dead Teams!, 135 points

2015 – Detroit Stars, 159 points

2016 – Detroit Stars, 155 points

The chase for the ring in 2017 begins soon. We’ll probably do a post like this every year that shows off the winning ring and honors the champ.

from Diamond Hoggers

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