Friday, June 3, 2016

Why I Love My Neighbors

Some neighbors are better than others. Ones with yappy dogs, for example, can be quite a hassle (picture Elaine's neighbor on "Seinfeld"). But some people love the folks who live next door to them. We spoke to six homeowners who have only good things to say about their neighbors.

Friends indeed

"When I was 19, my car broke down in Philadelphia and I had to take the bus home. That night I asked my neighbor to help me get my car started. He was on his way to meet a date, but he called her to say he would be late. Another neighbor, who had overheard our conversation, wanted to help; he said that his grandfather owned a tow truck.

So my neighbors, my neighbor's grandfather, and I drove to Philadelphia in the midst of a thunderstorm to get my car. In the rain, they managed to get my car up and running. They didn’t charge me or ask for anything in return.

When I reminisce about the 'good ol’ days,' this night is remembered fondly."

- Johnna Ithier, Philadelphia, PA

The way to the heart

"Our neighbor is a hunter and fisherman who loves to share his bounty. He stocks my freezer with meat and fish. He gave me a freezer when I mentioned mine was getting full. When he asked what we thought of smoking some of the salmon he caught, we said we were game, and he bought us a smoker!

If he sees a box on our front step, he’ll come over and ask if I need help getting it into the house. He has a greenhouse, and grows microgreens for me and starter plants for the garden. He found out that I like coconut macaroons, so he’ll buy me one when he’s close to a good bakery."

- Haralee Weintraub, Portland, OR

One big happy

"My neighbors are like family, and have become like a mom and dad to me. We spend many nights sitting on our Southern porches with a glass of wine sharing memories of their kids growing up and my school-aged kids.

Our front porches are exactly the same distance from the street, and we made an arch between our southern camellia bushes to walk through. Their children have become a big part of our family as well."

- Christy Owenby, New Orleans, LA

Fondly remembered

"When I grew up in a small town in Ohio, my next-door neighbors were the Schmidts. Thelma, the matriarch, was always willing to loan my mother a cup of milk or sugar. My dad wasn't too handy around the house, so Mr. Schmidt, a local auto mechanic and volunteer fireman, was ready and able to assist with any heavy lifting or mechanical challenges.

I had a huge crush on their older son, Gary, and their daughter, Bonnie, often babysat my sister and me. Little John David … came along many years after Bonnie and Gary were grown and gone. I was a teenager, and it was my first experience with a new baby as a neighbor.

We were fortunate: no squabbles over bushes being too high or anyone making too much noise. The houses were close, and with open windows and screens, we could often hear them and they could hear us. To this day, my sister and I remain friends with the Schmidts, and when we visit our hometown we always pay them a visit."

- Suzy Wilkoff, West Palm Beach, FL

In times of trouble

"When my wife got into a fender bender and needed to be taken to the hospital, a neighbor came by to watch the kids, and gave me his car to drive to the scene of the accident.

As he made his way over to my house, he put together a quick supper that I could eat and give to my wife in preparation for the long night ahead.

As the night progressed, he kept us calm and reassured us that everyone at home was well cared for. We also came home to a cleaned kitchen!"

- Jeff Gross, Lakewood, NJ

Through thick and thin

"We've built a lasting friendship with our old neighbors, Frank and Barbara, who we met 26 years ago when we lived in Kansas City. Their daughter would come over after school and play with our dogs in our yard. When our teenage daughter wanted to swim, they gave her their key code to access the pool in their backyard; they even allowed her to have her graduation party at their pool.

We celebrated July 4th with them at their pool parties, went out to eat together, and Frank helped my husband build the shed in our backyard. We have celebrated the highs in each other's lives, and mourned the losses of our parents together.

We moved from the neighborhood nine years ago to live at our lake home six hours away, but we always manage to keep in touch and see each other when we make trips to our hometown. When we contemplated moving back to the city last year, we were looking in our old neighborhood just so we could live near them again."

- Kerri Fivecoat-Campbell, Yellville, AR

Do you have a favorite neighbor?  Share your story in the comments!


from Zillow Porchlight

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