Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Honoring the Tanglewood Bombers

A few years back, my wife’s friend Dave who has become my friend welcomed me into his league ‘The Show 996’. It is a ‘Power Points league’ by definition and classification but if you’re looking for a species type you really won’t find it in an encyclopedia. Dave has actually written on this blog before, and I hope he will again.

Last night, Dave set the 996 all-time record in scoring for the league. You can click on his lineup above to see how shittingly insane it is. His team is awesome. The Tanglewood Bombers are not to be taken lightly.

This post is to honor my friend Dave and our strange little league which has grown from a heads up game with him and his father ‘The Emperor’ to an 8-man league (actually seven guys and a girl who is my son’s Godfather); and I’ve never won the damn thing. It’s hard.

Congratulations Dave. This is your first hit record of many, like Elvis.

from Diamond Hoggers

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