Thursday, May 25, 2017

Three Tips for Pruning Your Shrubs

shrubSpring is a great time to start planning for your summer pruning, trimming, and/or shearing of your shrubs. But what method is best for your landscape?

Depending on the plant variety, knowing the best method to prune and trim is important to keep from creating damage.

Hand pruning involves selectively cutting individual stems to give your shrub a more natural shape. Although more time consuming and costly, this is the best option for your landscape’s health.

For a more formal and smooth look to your shrubs, consider using gas or electric shears. You should discuss with your landscape professional to determine if this method is right for you as shearing is not advised for some plant species.

Three Things to Remember When Pruning

  1. 1. Use sharp tools – Dull equipment can open up your plants to insect or disease exposure if clean cuts are not made.
  2. 2. Inspect clippings – Inspect clippings for any signs of disease or insects.
  3. 3. Ask questions – Feel free to contact your landscape professional with any questions you may have or for more education on how to properly prune/trim your landscape.

from Tomlinson Bomberger

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