Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Meet the RE Tech Entrepreneur: Eric Johnson from HomeHawk

In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Erik Johnson from HomeHawk.

Without further ado…

What do you do?

I’m the Founder and CEO of HomeHawk. HomeHawk is a real estate chatbot in Messenger. Facebook opened the Messenger App to developers a little over a year ago. Since that time thousands of chatbots have been developed. I set the vision for the development and UI/UX making the chatbot experience smooth and as conversational as it can be.

What problem does your product/service solve?

Our mission is to be the Siri of Real Estate. While Siri provided quick answers to everyday questions we want to be able to answer any real estate related question about buying/selling/renting/financing (without offering legal advice). Providing this information via text in Messenger we feel is the quickest way to get the information.

What are you most excited about right now?

The Messenger platform is growing and getting better as Facebook improves the service for all businesses. As more people start using Messenger for communicating with businesses they will get comfortable with the platform and see its many uses.

I’m also excited about the future of real estate agents. Many services and companies it seems are trying to replace the agent. Even in today’s fast moving world of technology our goal is to provide great information while still connecting them with a great agent. In our opinion the real estate agent will continue to be a valuable resource that can never be replaced by an App or any other service but instead come along side the agent helping them connect with more consumers and help them be more productive.

What’s next for you?

Continuing to grow our agent network of the top real estate agents in the country and improve the overall experience of the chatbot.

What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?

Phoenix Children’s Hospital.  With a Medical Staff of nearly 1,000 pediatric specialists, Phoenix Children’s provides inpatient, outpatient, trauma and emergency care across more than 70 pediatric subspecialties, the most comprehensive pediatric care available in the state. As a former RE/MAX Broker I was connected with PCH through RE/MAX, which has a long standing partnership with PCH. While running the RE/MAX franchise we held a yearly benefit for PCH, raising thousands of dollars.

Thanks to Erik for sharing his story.

Meet The RE Tech EntrepreneurWe’re constantly looking for great real estate tech entrepreneurs to feature. If that’s you, please read this post — then drop me a line (drew @ geekestatelabs dot com).

The post Meet the RE Tech Entrepreneur: Eric Johnson from HomeHawk appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

from GeekEstate Blog http://ift.tt/2pGTjIY

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