Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Impact of Crossfit Training on Your Health

Crossfit is a training program that focuses on overall body and strengthening the cores of the body from the inside. While crossfit is a growing industry, there has been a great debate on which one is better, bodybuilding or crossfit training. The answer lies in the fact that there was only a single crossfit box back in 2000 and now we have more than 10,000 boxes around the globe, all packed with skilled coaches and many athletes. The rapid growth of this training program is a convincing answer to the question, which is better.

Crossfit believes in every kind of training. Bodybuilding, sprinting, lifting, cardio, balance, kettle bell training etc. According to a research conducted by the Ohio State University, crossfit training impacts aerobic endurance, fat loss and mass building.

The research involved 23 men and 20 women. Their fat percentage, BMI and body mass were noted. They were made to undergo a 10 week crossfit training. Their body composition was measured every week to observe the changes in their bodies. The subjects were trained for 5 days a week and since there’s no repetition in crossfit training program, every exercise was different from the other and it was intense.

There were strength and skill sessions aimed to improve the strength of the participants followed by “WOD”. They were also on a healthy crossfit diet which included fish, eggs, veggies etc.

Finally the results came in, the endurance and lean mass had drastically improved while the mass and fat had reduced. This proved that crossfit training had a great impact on these people’s lives. They got in shape and came to know their skills and strengths.

Impacts Of Crossfit Training On Lifestyle

Heart Health: Your heart endurance increases when you are working out excessively with an elevated heart rate. Crossfit cardio trainings are intense and they keep your heart rate spiked throughout the workout. According to the American Council’s study, people who are involved in crossfit trainings have an elevated rate of 90% of max heart rate.

Fitness experts say that to improve heart endurance, the elevated heart rate during workouts should be in between 64 to 94. Hence, crossfit training program helps accomplish that.

Improves Overall Qualities: Crossfit focuses on not just a single domain but many. The trainings vary every day. In a few months you’d feel improved power, agility, speed, balance, flexibility as a result of all those intense trainings. As we know that crossfit training is the most intense, it promotes hormonal and neurological in the body pathways and strengthens the cores of the body. These combinational exercises transform your body in a few months.

Max Results: Crossfit training is not like any other regular workout where you can have longer breaks and sneak out whenever you feel like. Crossfit training boxes are one way. When you enter, you either walk out out of breath or sometimes, you might even crawl your way out once the session is over. Crossfit trainings are especially tailored to max out your stats in every domain and make you one of the fittest athletes possible.

Crossfit training is for everyone. You should start young so that you can stay healthy and fit as you get old. You can even have crossfit equipment for home if you do not wish to go to a training center. Most exercises can be completed at home and you can go through tutorials found on the internet to master the art.


from Diamond Hoggers http://ift.tt/2vYsTB4

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