Saturday, July 15, 2017

Thank Goodness, Mike Trout is Back

Mike Trout returned from a 39-game absence last night and the ugly but battle hard Angels lost 2-1 in ten innings to the Tampa Bay Rays. It’s hard to believe that the Angels played around .500 baseball with Mike Trout out.

Trout went 1 for 5 last night and stole his 11th bag of the season. Writers are calling for the Angels – seemingly somehow still in this thing – to build around Trout and make a run.

It’s just great to have Trout back in there and in action every day. Other stars stepped up and held fan interest while he was out but the fact remains, he reigns supreme in the game. We’re all better off for having him back and part of things.

You are now free to again check the Anaheim box scores late night and see what he’s up to. It’s acceptable again.

from Diamond Hoggers

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