Monday, July 10, 2017

We’re fed up with Bryce Harper’s Bullshit

Thing is, Bryce Harper used to be our favorite player. He was supposed to represent the game with dignified class. He was supposed to be the player who I pointed to the television set to my son and said ’emulate yourself after this guy’.

But not anymore. Not ever again. not unless he pulls some kind of swerve.

Harper is a great player. A generational player, he’s proving. But the baggage, the bullshit, the attitude, the daily act of building his brand and his grand plan to rob some team blind; this guy can screw right off.

It struck a nerve with me when Harper openly put up a little Instagram hashtag he probably thought was cute about joining Kris Bryant in Chicago someday. Then the report got floated by Peter Gammons (it came from someone in Harper camp, Gammons is a respected name and doesn’t just throw shit at a wall) that Harper doesn’t want to be a Yankee like he’s always flirted about; but rather a Cub after next season. Then Harper flippantly dismissed ESPN on Sunday Night Baseball when asked about if he would do the Home Run Derby. In fact, he’s might never do it again; so don’t ask. He’s too good for the derby – a contest that is really for the fans. And you know; making the game fun again like he rolled out as a statement at the beginning of last year. This was all part of the Bryce Harper bullshit marketing game to build his brand.

So tonight, when the good guys of the game were out entertaining the fans in a contest he could have made even better, Harper was walking around promoting a new pink baseball cleat from Under Armor, showing off some hair, and again not denying that he’s going to the Cubs.

Don’t sell him short when asked if he would take a $400 Million dollar extension, he said. The same kid who said multiple times he wants to play his entire career in Washington. That was obvious bullshit at the time to build goodwill with his current fan base when he was at a young point in his career.

The guy is going to totally Lebron the game in the winter of 2018. He’s going to love the spectacle. He’ll probably use the platform to promote some new stupid ass product. He’ll openly flirt with whatever frontrunner team is doing well next year at the All-Star break when it’s in his city.

The guy isn’t a criminal. He’s not a bad example for kids watching the game. But he’s become an annoyance, and it shouldn’t be that way. It could have been different. If you say you are going to play your whole career in one uniform like Cal Ripken – his words and no one else’s – then you should probably make every effort to do so.

It’s obvious that Harper made his demands so outlandish that the Nationals know he’s a goner. A team that has signed a pile of guys to build some equity with his agent for the chance to negotiate with him first. And he’s not interested. He wants the Cubs. No he wants the Yankees. Or maybe the Dodgers next year.

This guy can fuck right off. Just go away.

from Diamond Hoggers

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