Saturday, July 8, 2017

Your Saturday Baseball Post

It’s a BEAUTIFUL summer Saturday – I should be at the Jersey Shore beach right now with my wife and son – but I stayed behind in Ohio with my daughter. We’ve had tea and lunch, and it’s nap time. The Yankees are on television and Louie Severino is pitching. I should have been at this game, but instead I’ll watch it on television.

There’s nothing better than this time of year, entering the dog days of baseball season. Saturday is the best day of the week and the greatest game on earth is baseball. Soak it in and enjoy baseball and life today.

In a few years from now on a day like today; hopefully I’m hauling my son to little league. That’s what I live for.

Your 80’s song of the week that should be played on a ballpark loudspeaker nearest you is by the Moody Blues. Your Wildest Dreams. A true classic.

Here’s what song meanings says this one is all about:

Yeah, its kind of obvious what its about; recalling a wonderful love that was part of your life’s fabric but not one main relationship (the sound you HAD to follow… you were together but the universe had other plans). Rather than getting all messed up with the pain of past or lost love, to me it reassures the listener that you CAN think and feel okay about an ex.

It reminds us that there will always be someone penning their sorrow to help us to remember the good times while tapping into the little bit of heartache that might remain to help us to value what goodness there can be in being in love with someone, even if it has to be for a shorter time than we’d like.

That’s spot on. I think that site is really good.

So enjoy your Saturday – we always set the flag at half mass here on Saturdays because baseball is the greatest game on earth and Saturday is a day of happiness during baseball season. Thank you for your continued support of Diamond Hoggers. Play ball!

from Diamond Hoggers

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